Deathspell Omega


Aug 22, 2013
Seems like DsO is pretty polarizing, at least since SMRC.

Do you love them? Hate them? Are they really revolutionary geniuses, or are they bad musicians/songwriters, or are they faux-intellectual poseurs? Is there a third wave of black metal, and if so do they have anything to do with it?
I can't agree with the "best black metal band" comment because the genre really does have an immense quality of bands. However, DsO are at the top of their game and continue to churn out interesting and well crafted music.
You know, I could narrow that list down to 5 bands, though. And DsO would definitely be on that list. So I could defend their right to the title with fair ease.

That being said, these threads dedicated to individual bands are getting excessive and irritating. We have almost as many of them as "What genre is this?" and "Woah, who's the band in this video?! I was gonna do a normal ad but since that's not permitted in this part of the forum I thought I would try to disguise it as a shitty puzzle!"... threads.