Decapitated show on Saturday!

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
Thus Defiled
Rotting Christ

So who's going? :D

Sounds like a good line-up, but I'm not familiar with the bands really other than Decapitated...

what are those other bands like?
Oh, that's really cool. :OMG:

Rotting Christ are awesome, and so are Anata. I would like to see that show. I'm sure it will be really kickass! :rock:
Decapitated rules but I won't see that show unfortunately. They would have to go to Montreal or Quebec city which would rock. BTW, do you know if their new album is released?
Tanith said:
I would love to go, but I cant get down to London. It sucks to be me.

They're playing Manchester, Bradford, Nottingham, and Bristol as well you know :Spin:

it comes out 6th March Stateside.

i personally shall be at the Manchester date tomorrow rocking the fuck out :rock:

btw Agressor, i officially hate you. I'd kill to be able to afford to go to the Inferno this year, with Aborym, Mayhem, Decapitated, Zyklon and god knows how many other kickass bands :worship: :erk:
Yeah i'm going to the gig guys. It's always a pleasure to watch Vogg play guitar, i'm not to sure on the new cd though. I prefer good to see Thus Defiled also.
Well there's only one day to go now! :D

I have shitty work during the day, but it will be worth it! I'm interviewing Decapitated as well which will be a bonus!
I was at the Manchester was pretty good, although the venue is a bit crap in that the stage is at the same level as the crowd. Meaning that only the first row or two of people can see what's going on...
Us members of the U.S. get sparse showings, but at least I live in SF so bands that tour the U.S. generally come here... I'd love to go to this show though, namely for Rotting Christ