
I like Deftones, but Deftones and Metal dont belong in the same sentence. They aren't metal, nu-metal, metalcore, or anything "metal". None of their albums ever were. Classify, if you must: Adrenaline, Around the Fur, and most of White Pony as "hard rock." Everything newer than that... well, classify them as "garbage."
affinityband said:
Dont try and insult my e-bestfriend, he obviously knows whats what. (by the way IM not racist, i just love it when they say to each other, for example boys in the hood. Pick me out one sentence in that film where they dont swear or say nigga!)
Damn straight, negro.
Man I have to say I do find it rather amusing to see people get heated up about such insignificant things. Why is everyone trying to prove each other wrong about whether this band is Nu-metal or not? Don't you realise you're not going to convince those who disagree with you otherwise? I don't see why everyone has to Genrefy (is that a word?) everything these days. I see it all the time on the net: arguments about whether a band is Nu-metal, thrash metal or Avante-garde folk hillbilly metal or whatever. Why the hell do you care so much? It's all music in the end and you shouldnt have to worry about not liking a band simply because they could possibly be considered Nu-Metal or whatever they are. IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!

PS. Whether a band uses drop tunings also DOES NOT make a difference whether a band is Nu-metal anyway. I could name many artists that used drop tunings years, even decades before Korn or Deftones came about.