Deliverance ending vs. Harlequin Forest ending

definitely Deliverance! such great drumwork ... I love it!
the ending of HF is indeed a bit boring, I don't care so much for it, but I hope it will grow on me some more. it definitely lasts too long though ...
yeah make it a poll.

Harl's ending is much more tighter than deliverance
Deliverance has a better lead guitar going on

I pick Deliverance.
The one in Deliverence. I like the song Harlequin Forest more though.
annt said:
This should've been a poll. Deliverance.

Yeah... I tried to make it a poll, but I failed. I spent like 20 minutes trying, too. If you could give me easy-to-follow directions as to how, I would be more than happy to make it into a poll. (I'm horribly computer illiterate. :()
It's too bad Mike had his throat infection, or he would have done his awesome yell during the end of Deliverance... they just played the melody, so I was instead yelling out the high E note that Mike usually sustains during his shows...
The ending of HF is quite good, it has that holy shit electric guitars rule chord that reminds me of Robin Trower's Bridge of Sighs. Just pure electric guitargasm right there that forces me to change my pants everytime I hear it. The ending of Deliverance is good too but it doesn't have that same effect on me.

shark22 said:
Agreed, Deliverance. Not only a better song, but a much better album.

Deliverance is clearly Opeth's worst Album. GoP alone has more creativity and inspired moments than that entire album combined. You can tell that the guys practiced before GR, they sound so tight, the bass is hot, Mike's clean vox are the best they've ever been, and the songwriting is incredible. Deliverance is uninspired and sounds strained and thin. The song Deliverance is decent but it has nothing on HF.

I guess it just blows my mind that an Opeth fan wouldn't like Ghost Reveries. It's clearly Opeth and Opeth better than they've ever sounded. They continue to delight and surprise with their unexpected directions which is why I love them. I had no expectations about the musical direction, I didn't care if they made Damnation II or the heaviest album to come out this year, I just wanted an Opeth album full of Mike's great songwriting, an album full of great music, and that's what I got.
You can tell that the guys practiced before GR, they sound so tight, the bass is hot, Mike's clean vox are the best they've ever been, and the songwriting is incredible
Agree - songs on Deliverance are good, but GR is a definite step forwards IMO. More singing, more melody, but just as intense as the older stuff. The playing (drums mainly) on Deliverance is sometimes a little sketchy, the production sounds less meaty than Still Life or Blackwater Park. I'm a drummer and the drumming and drum sound on GR is soooo good. Makes so much difference because it was always the weak link in the chain.

One of the things I love the most about Opeth is the way they give you so much in one song, so for me Deliverance/Damnation was a step sideways. In my opinion GR brings it all back together and kicks it up a notch.