Deliverance Release Date

Just in time for Halloween! Whatever that's worth. Hand out burned samplers to the kids who come by your house.
Originally posted by CladInDarkness
yeah just remember to entitle them like the new slipknot cd, meh.

Then you'll just get a bunch of 12 year olds going "d00d tha n00 slipnot r0x!!!" and liking them more.
Hehehe, I just LOVE the fact that the album is coming out in my favourite time of the year....fall - Otcober....when the leaves fall and everything looks dreary and cool.

Can't wait for the release! Hope I can track it down the moment it arrives in stores....worst thing that can happen if I won't be able to find it or whatever the case....
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
Alcapoth, you are a retard.. october is SPRING..

And fall is not fall, fall is Autumn

Fuck you, man! Obviously, you haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about....I'll just leave you be....

March and April are spring, you prick! Next you're gonna tell me that summer is in December, right?

Fall & Autumn? Same thing....

One last thing: Don't be a fucking idiot!
Originally posted by Alcapoth
Fuck you, man! Obviously, you haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about....I'll just leave you be....

March and April are spring, you prick! Next you're gonna tell me that summer is in December, right?

Fall & Autumn? Same thing....

One last thing: Don't be a fucking idiot!

He was joking, dipshit. He lives in Australia. Lower hemisphere. For him, October is SPRING.
Just can't wait to hear it.

There will probably be a preview mp3 soon, like they did with ''the drapery falls'' for blackwater park.

First I was pissed, that both would not be out on the same date, but actually, now there will be at least one worth-buying record next year.