Deliverance vs. Ghost Reveries.

Deliverance vs. Ghost Reveries

  • Deliverance

    Votes: 83 41.7%
  • Ghost Reveries

    Votes: 116 58.3%

  • Total voters
blimey said:
GR really does blow.

Okay, GoP and R/HF are good. Big whoop.

I love how someone talks badly about something you like, and you constantly try to tell them to shut up or fuck off, and yet you won't shut up about how you don't like GR.
Deliverance is okay. Wreath isnt that great, Deliverance is played out, For Absent Friends isnt really important lol, and BTPISIO is too long and not to interesting. But A Fair Judgement is awesome and Masters Apprentices.

Ghost Reveries is awesome. Ghost of Perdition is just great and BotH and BtM, Atonement is okay but a little annoying, Reverie/Harqulien Forest is good but long, Hours of Wealth is great just an awesome song, TGC is played out know but I still enjoy listening to it, and Isolation Years is a beautiful song.

Ghost Reveries wins.
The Grand Conjuration
The Canned Graduation
Hey, remember when Ghost of Perdition was wrongfully reported as Ghost of Tradition? That was so FUCKING hilarious. And mike wrote on the site, "it's ghost of PERDITION you fucking Americans! Jeez, learn to comprehend a swedish accent why don't you?!"

Oh man those were the days, hilarious!

But seriously, Deliverance has a lot that Ghost Reveries doesn't. Maybe it's the spontaneous writing Mike does when hes under pressure that is good, but Ghost Reveries is just too shallow and pedantic.
blimey said:
DFN isn't underrated, its just not that good.

Yes, BWP is an amazing album however.

Yeah, this is off topic, but DFN is much better than most people make it out to be. Such a powerful, emotionally involving song. I daresay more powerful and emotional than most of the rest of their catalog.
Necromantic-Hiko said:
I love how someone talks badly about something you like, and you constantly try to tell them to shut up or fuck off, and yet you won't shut up about how you don't like GR.

Way to be a complete jackass. If I tell someone to fuck off, it's because they fail to reason their arguments. I have stated on this forum ten times why I think GR is not a good album.

When dumbasses say shit like "LOLZZ TOOL IZ GAY AND SO ARE THE FAN BOIZ LOL", then I'll tell them to fuck off.

When people say shit like "I don't like Tool because _________", I understand.

So please, get your facts straight.
Oh, and fuck off.
blimey said:

Way to be a complete jackass. If I tell someone to fuck off, it's because they fail to reason their arguments. I have stated on this forum ten times why I think GR is not a good album.

When dumbasses say shit like "LOLZZ TOOL IZ GAY AND SO ARE THE FAN BOIZ LOL", then I'll tell them to fuck off.

When people say shit like "I don't like Tool because _________", I understand.

So please, get your facts straight.
Oh, and fuck off.

I say I love something that you do, and you go into a completely pointless rant about how i was being a jackass.
deliverance was was just too...I don't know if disharmonic is a good word for it. it's too "clunky" compared to GR. doesn't flow as well. the majority of opeth's appeal; to me anyway, is their transitions between styles and different grooves, and deliverance was less of a typical opeth record in that sense. in contrast to damnation(since they were essentially a double album, though not technically) it is amazing.
Deliverance beats the hell out of the Ghost.
Deliverance is a true album, while GR is more like a collection of individual songs.
affinityband said:
Deliverance could be possibly the most forced and random album Opeth have ever done.
True, I don't think anyone can argue that. Forced or not however, GR is just inferior.
Deliverance !!!

I like GR alot, but Deliverance is my favorite.

Don't quite agree that GR is just a collection of songs & not an album ? I feel GR is Opeth's most well constructed album to date, but if given the choice to hear just one album, one more time, it would be Deliverance.