Democrat wants to renew draft

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002

While I am vehemently against the draft, this man makes an excellent point about how he feels that Congress would've been against the war in Iraq if their own children were sent as well. Although he paints some broad strokes, he has a very valid point.

Also the part where he states that if someone is in support of war and against the draft is hypocrisy is also something to think about....
Dude, don't worry...Clint Eastwood couldn't shoot this thing down any faster. The fact is that politicians are only concerned with themselves and their tenure in Washington. Can you imagine the political upheaval and rioting that would take place in the US, ESPECIALLY since the country is for the most part against the war in Iraq?
However, at least he had the brains to add a clause stating an alternative to military service would be a public service type of thing. It's still forcing you to do something against your will, but at the same time I think the US would be a little less trigger-happy if all those dumb fucking armchair generals realized that their kids would be going too, and not just average people like me.

It goes back to the typical American mindset: I'll support it if I don't have to actually do anything.
I've said it a million times here...

Everyone move to Canada.
I live in Italy for a reason.

The most fucked up part of this thing isn't the re-instatement of the draft. It's the fact that THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES to get the average American citizen to wake his/her "I don't give a shit as long as I don't have to do anything" ass up and see that (GASP!)....


"I support the war and want to do my part, which is why I have this little yellow ribbon on my car antenna." :mad:
what is your government like and what system is it?

I'm American but I live in Italy. The government is a lot like any other democracy with a parliament. There are better social programs here, though, such as transportation, health care, etc. It's BY FAR not perfect and taxes are a little higher but the average person's life is much better. There are some things that are a little frustrating and not as convenient as the US, but really, really really minor things like no 24 hour 7-11s and such. Again, something this minor doesn't even figure into the argument.

But the absence of some conveniences is actually a good thing sometimes, such as THERE ARE NO WAL-MARTS here. I hate Wal-Mart. Same thing with that coffee abortion franchise Starbuck's.

Cappuccini don't have different flavors. It's a fucking cappuccino. Starbuck's is like melting Brach's caramels in a cup and putting hot water in it and drinking it.


Dude...I think I'd live in Italy even if it was a Communist regime, if only to have their gelato. If your mouth could have sex, that's what it would be doing when eating gelato.

BTW, kidding about the commie thing. It was a joke. Haha. Funny. Words make laugh.
I bet a bunch of you feel retarded for voting Democratic now. Nimrods.

Though, I'm indifferent to the draft law.