Demon of the Fiz-all

Moonlapse said:
Oh btw, I get a hard-on every time I hear that pinch harmonic on the intro riff. Almost sounds like late Emperor covered the song :) \m/

So is it a harmonic like on classical guitar where you don't fret the string but just hold your finger on it? It sounds so awesome, and yes it really reminded me of prometheus. I've only been playing for like 3 months, and I want to start playing electric and other types of guitar too.
etotheipiequalsminus1 said:
So is it a harmonic like on classical guitar where you don't fret the string but just hold your finger on it? It sounds so awesome, and yes it really reminded me of prometheus. I've only been playing for like 3 months, and I want to start playing electric and other types of guitar too.
Pinch harmonics. With yer picking hand. If you've only been playing for 3 months, than you probably haven't heard of these yet, but you will!:rock:
Very good on the guitars, especially the pitch harmonics in the intro. \m/ more of a scream than a growl on vocals but great job any way, I like it.
They must be really hard to pull off while you're in the middle of some technical riff. I'll ask my guitar teacher about them. Niel cover Empty by emperor!!! or.. The loss and curse of reverence!!!! :D