demons and lies retires from forum war?

i cant get on aim for a few more weeks til i get a new comp. i been using my moms to post on here and im not gonna start dl'ing shit on her comp. its in bad enough shape as it is and she has all her buisness on here. but until then... we can have a massive thread discussing the matter and arrange a nuclear tactical strike division. mwahahahhahaha ';..;'
I say we molest the Children of Bodom forum, seeing how they suck and they will be touring with AA, it makes for a good war.
aye, but we have to do this in an organised, intelligent way and focus on good target.. maybe we should have a briefing forum back here... and also we cannot tell them where we're from, otherwise they'll turn around and fight us here. No, we have to fight the enemy in his own forum!
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa people!!! calm down.... for a moment. then you can get all hyped again. remember this... you can attack wherever you want you know.... thing is... we gotta insult the fans and not the bands. im gonna work on some obscure forums to test things out then im gonna hit something popular. and dont forget to mention...
"Amon Amarth forum kicks your ass!!!"


Edit: new idea. i say we all wait for a appropriate time before making the first move. we need to rondevous (spelling? i think it looks fucked up) at a given time and all hit a forum at one time. go in, find a thread, then all make an attack same time. with so many forces it would not be overlooked as one single asshole being an asshole. starting with a less popular forum so we are guaranteed to have success with numbers. eventualy they will realize they are weak... and we are strong. thus they join or die. more information on this later.
Tindomerel said:
Oh good's on!

It's not about to run purple sweetheart... :err:

wtf is that on your back?? (is that your back) i understand its a tattoo but this picture makes it look like you got a case of the leaches. but, yeah.... wtf is it spose to be?
DemonsAndLies666 said:
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa people!!! calm down.... for a moment. then you can get all hyped again. remember this... you can attack wherever you want you know.... thing is... we gotta insult the fans and not the bands. im gonna work on some obscure forums to test things out then im gonna hit something popular. and dont forget to mention...
"Amon Amarth forum kicks your ass!!!"


Edit: new idea. i say we all wait for a appropriate time before making the first move. we need to rondevous (spelling? i think it looks fucked up) at a given time and all hit a forum at one time. go in, find a thread, then all make an attack same time. with so many forces it would not be overlooked as one single asshole being an asshole. starting with a less popular forum so we are guaranteed to have success with numbers. eventualy they will realize they are weak... and we are strong. thus they join or die. more information on this later.

do you have any suggestions for a "weak" forum?