demons and lies retires from forum war?

I have heared the music of dragonlord.. and demons and lies.. you've chosen a good enemy.. their music really sucks
(they have taken over parts of the new arch enemy album.. fuckin assholes!)
sept for tomek. try harder, your attack was very polish. try not to live up to your name. but on the other hand i been woundering what happened to lioness... i think she wants your log =\

we need more ammunition you pansy waist hogwash shallow minded cock rockers! show them that you mean it!
following a more exhuberant attack i will come up with the terms of agreement and if they dont follow then they will suffer the spamming!!!
for those of you who dont know what to say, mention something about the gods dismembering dragonlord and there vermin followers.

and we are attacking from within. or something like that.
I have an idea...
We could build a great alliance with other "small" forums. Then we would have enough power to attack the big CoB.
Otherwise we could assimilate them...:flame:
Blutaar said:
I have an idea...
We could build a great alliance with other "small" forums. Then we would have enough power to attack the big CoB.
Otherwise we could assimilate them...:flame:

Now that is a good idea! Though what bands' forums are worthy enough to join us in battle??

- SMiM
you guys realy crack me up. id realy like to put together a real attack i just cant seem to find much time to get to it. also it would be impossible to get everyone together at once... maybe ill use my spare time little by little to elaborate something huge and we will triumph in such unreal heroic glory. one day I will make the gods proud.