Depressive Metal


Not metal.

Yeah well they're a whole new ball game and a whole new level of awesome.
some good stuff been mentioned, I'll add:



Thergothon demo

Abyssmal Sorrow

Hierophant (can't find any on youtube)


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Hierophant (can't find any on youtube)

Hierophant is Funeral Doom Metal really but i guess the lyrical themes fit with depressive metal. Ive been meaning to upload some to youtube recently so here's Forever Dying:

might need a bit of time to fully process
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I need help, I should start a new thread but I think I'll try posting here first. I want more depressive music like the French depressive scene, like Alcest, Les Discrets, Amesoeurs, etc. I really really like the compilation Whom the Moon the Nightsong Sings, and Ulver's Kveldssanger as well. Any suggestions on anything like that?
If you like Ulver's Kveldssanger, Vali's Forlatt is the next logical step (and like the best thing ever)
I'm already into early Katatonia, Forgotten Tomb, and Dolorian. Any suggestions that are similar to these?

I have a suggestion: A Canadian depressive black metal band called Gris. It's atmospheric, partly classical, partly heavy and raw.
I've been getting a bit more into the depressive stuff lately. My favorites are:
Bethlehem - SUIZID
Coldworld - Melancholie^2
Nortt - Gudsforladt
Mournful Congregation - The Monad Of Creation (finally got into them)

Abysmal Sorrow, Loss, and Drowning The Light are all good too but I haven't devoted a full listen to any of their albums yet. Awesome recs, I'm still checking them out, and keep em coming if you have more