recommend me something as heartfelt and moving as

Sad Legend - s/t and Searching for Hope in Utter Darkness
Excellent emotional melodic black metal from South Korea. Good keyboard mystique, feamle vocals used perfectly and sparingly.

Poccolus - s/t
Recently re-released doomy pagan black metal (none of that suicidal BM schlock). Influences range from Burzum to MDB.

Officium Triste - Reason
An excellent slow doom/death album. Very moving.

Before the Rain - ...One Day Less
One of the better doom/death releases of 2007.

In the Woods - Omnio, HEart of the Ages
If you don't have these, get out of metal. ;)

If you are not afraid to venture outside of metal, you cannot get much more emotional than Dead Can Dance, a high quality band that many metal bands cite as an influence. Try Serpent's Egg, Aion, or Spleen and Ideal. Another metal band influence from non-metal territory that is highly emotional is Swans. Great Annihilator, and Love of Life are well worth the effort, as is the offshoot World of Skin.
The solo albums by Michael Gira and Jarboe are also well worth searching out if you dig Swans.
bump again. I want depressing melodic extreme metal. I bet I'll have heard most of the recs, but there should be a few in there I haven't heard.

Seriously check out Warning - Watching From a Distance. It isn't extreme but it's very emotive and 'depressive'. Highly recommended by me.