Describe your room


And the journey begins...
May 19, 2002
Istanbul, Turkey
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In my room, i have a bed, a desk, a computer, TV, stereo, Marshall and Washburn, an acoustic, a couch and many many metal posters. I also have a balcony where i play football with socks filled with paper. The strangest thing in my room is a huge skull made of stone and its so heavy. It wears a viking helmet and i put my guitar picks into its mouth. So actually its an ordinary room. im sure you guys have a lot of weird things in your rooms. Oh i also have a baby doll inside of a condom hanging from the chandelier.
My room has a bed that folds into a massive couch, a stereo, a computer/table/chair and a shite load of clothes.

Although I use the internet from the 'Party room' which is a large room at the back of our house with a stereo, bar fridge, beer, cool computer, cable connection, heater, Britney poster, Beatles poster, and all the metal you could ever dream of.

I love my party room!!!
Two matresses on top of each other=my bed
A little end table
two ghetto book shelves
Two boxes that my clean clothes are on top of
Dirty clothes on my floor
My bass and acoustic are in my closet so the cats don't eat the strings
Tons of pictures/posters of various bands as well as pictures/posters of various odd things and some animals.
Light colored walls, bed, carpet, desk, drawer, closet, tv, computer, Metallica-Alice in Chains-White Zombie-Ozzy-Down-posters, glow in the dark stars, religious stuff, pictures, stereo, CD's, trash can, and other stuff.
A small room, about 10 ft by 8 ft, I share my room with my two brothers. I have some of my paintings on the wall, some Limp Bizkit posters belonging to my younger brother, the computer, TV, video, PS2, an old record player, shelves stacked with videos, books etc, a green plastic chest crammed with Kerrang! and Terrorizer magazines underneath the window. I have blinds instead of curtains. I sooo want my own room.
My room looks like a kids room. I've got electric blue carpet, a bed, a dresser, a weight bench, a nightstand, Dragon posters and figurines on one wall, and The rest of the room is covered with Snoopy stuff. :D
computer.. inside of a BIG MESSY DESK (YEAH!)

an nice DVD and CD collection on the desk... inbetween the mess..

sofa with some more stuff on it.. mostly clothes and such...

green wallpaper.. some soccer posters... a closet for my clothes... my Marshall amp and Epiphone guitar next to my bed...

and a view to NORWEGIAN NATURE!

Have my bed, 2 desks, one with my computer, another one with a TV and my PS2 right now, closes 2 sinks (i dont know why i have 2), and a pretty big closet. White paint also, but its all scratched up now, gotta repaint it. hrmph.
All you people with t.v's in your room make me sick!!

Although next year I'll have one!! But most of you are just kids sharing rooms with your brothers, etc.
My room consists of a basement. Also, a computer desk, stereo, the world's most comfortable couch, an entertainment center, and various crap lying about. Something of which I affectionately call my "mound-o-clothes." Clean make up the left peak and dirty the right, as you might imagine it’s caused a few problems, but nothing calm conversation and a little rat poison has never been able to handle.
well, my room has a bed pushed into the far right corner, under the window, which overlooks the pool. I have a wicker desk with my CPU on it, some shelves immmediately on the right with my CD's on them, two closets, a sink on the far left side, and an adjoining bathroom. Pretty sweet...

I don't like tv, except for friends...and seinfeld, king of queens...whose line is it anyway, oz, j leno, merried with children, cow and chicken... but just that:D
i dont have a room...but i have a wide green valley ful of all the grass i want...*wakes up* has a queen sized bed, fat ass stereo, fatass Bass, desk, cloths flung everywhere, a Tazmanian Devil poster, few of my own drawings (not particualrly good drawings), and some art by college students from Ringling College of Arts.
My room has too much stuff to go into detail, but here's the basics:

to walk in, you would think it's a 5 year old girls' room
one wall is covered with sailor moon, alita, and ranma posters, while another is covered with dragon and wizard posters.

i have a couple sets of shelves, with sailor moon and powerpuff girl figurines, another big shelf with my barbie dolls, porcelain dolls, and fairy/wizard/dragon figures.

and i have a tv hooked up to a psone that i never use.

oh, and my favourite of all: my mom's sewing machine that i stole, with a pile of material next to it (all the time!)
wow...i have th original board game of "Shuts and Ladders", i have the Original Wizkid, i have the biggest board games of all tims Mouse Trap, i have the original Gameboy, the Original NES as well as the SNES and Playstation (didnt bother to buy consoles afterwards- to much confusion in deciding which console). i have a 100 piece Ninja Turtle Puzzle...
My room is small, about 10x13 I think. As I sit at my desk directly behind me is my bed, to my left are some of my CDs in front of a window, in front of me is my computer, abovie it is a shelf with games and movies, to the right of that is my amp with CD player on top, to the right of that is TV and VCR, and PS2. It's good to have everything within an arms reach.
My set ups getting pretty good now...

I have a queen size bed (Yessa)... to myself ( :cry ), it takes up most of the floor space. Directly across from that (on the opposte wall) is my 'entertainment centre' (Three shelves containing: Fairly Big TV, Stereo, PS2, Dreamcast, SNES, Seperate amp, heaps of gaming magazines). The cable on my PS2 is long enough that I can play videogames while still in bed, and I have a remote for the stereo (which is also hooked up to the consoles). needless to say once I get ensconed in bed late at night, it's VERY to get me out!

The speakers for the stereo are on the other side of the room (at the 'head' of the bed) so the music blares directly into my hears from like less than a metre away on each side. The speaker on the left side is sitting on my 'study' table, but since i don;t go to uni anymore, it's loaded up with all kinds of wonderfull junk! (I'm considering moving my PC in there at some point). Next to the 'entertainment centre' is a ummmm... closet, with all the usuall junk. You know clothes, pr0n, etc.... :rolleyes:

Oh and i used to have gaming posters wall to floor on all sides of my room, but the house recently got painted, so 2 walls of my room are light green (the ones you see from the door), and the other 2 walls are Dark- Dark green! (The ones you can't see from the door)

Anyway, that's pretty much me to a tee. :D