Post Pictures Of Your Room / House

Arch: That's an "Indifferent Suns" tour 2001 shirt. I have that as a longsleeve.

Ouga: WHEE you have the same Amorphis patch on your backpack as I have on mine.
Well, everything is about to be cleaned.. as in.. now. So I'll post before and after pictures. :p




Oh, yeah... my waterbed busted, so my floor has become my bed for now. :bah: At least I still have my amazing blanket with the leopard skin pattern. :loco:

Edit: Finished cleaning and took some pictures around the house.




And now for the pictures of my house. The first is the kitchen.


I had a picture of the living room, but I only had half of the room and at a bad angle. Oh well.
@Lolita: That guy in The Crown shirt is hot. Is he single? :p

xenophobe said:
Whoa... and I thought I had problems. :lol:

Violet Baudelaire said:
I dont believe in divorce either... ok he's all yours, i dont want to stand in the way of tr00 love... but can you adopt me, and then leave everything in the will to me?
Okay then.

I'd much rather adopt a young child who I can influence badly... and aren't you older than me? :eek: but still okay. There's just one problem. He doesn't want to marry me. :cry:

I'm jealous; everyone has nice places to live and nice rooms. :(
@Erik: Thanks.

@Mousewing: Better save up money for a trip to Finland. ;)

im practically 22, but I could be immature and influenzable (sp?) :loco:

my room is bare and full of boxes, not very nice to live in
Wandrail said:
That' creepy...all those snowglobes...
:( It is. And that person had budgies. The poor birds. My budgies would be screaming at me if my home looked like that.

Violet Baudelaire said:

im practically 22, but I could be immature and influenzable (sp?)

my room is bare and full of boxes, not very nice to live in
Okay. That sounds cool. :loco:

I have no pictures of my room. As a description it's filled with dolls and statues (mostly rats, mice, and birds). They're all over this vanity table/cupboard, on top of my desk and headboard. My desk is also cluttered with magazines and books. I also have a lot of clothes and makeup. So many I need boxes to store the clothes in and an extra cosmetics organizer for the makeup since my vanity table is already filled to the brim. Weird, since I only use eyeshadow, lip products, and body glitter... that's what it all is. :loco:

@Arch: Yes.... Finland. Land of hot guys. Too bad I'm only going to get one guy, seems like a waste. :p
no, haha, i meant, you know a person with a lot of cds, so you are the person I know that knows a person that has a lot of cds?
leave me alone i just had 2 thermos of sugar with coffee, i dont have to make sense :loco:
see, because of this that you said (look down)

Hearse said:
@Violet: hehe I've been visiting a place where there are 2-3 "WALLS" full of CDs
and then another place 3 wall full of Vinyls
nevermind ::Spin:
@mousewings: look, here's some pics of Thomas for you to drool at :grin: :lol:
(his soon-to-be-wife on the left)
(boys luv beer :p)

And the whole story about some of our metal club members' trip to Tallin, Estonia (wish I'd been there):
@ Hearse: Come on show us the pig tails again! Kinda turned me on..but, I'm NOT a lesbian or anything....Not that there's anything wrong with that mind you, I do like males!! Did I just stick my foot in my mouth or what?? :blush:
Lolita Vampiriá said:
@mousewings: look, here's some pics of Thomas for you to drool at :grin: :lol:
Yes... he's hot. Too bad he's taken, oh well, he'd probably be scared of me. :loco: A lot of the guys there are hot. Finland... :grin:

Northern Viking said:
"HAHA! The ones you want are either taken or live far away!"
That's what it says for my dictionary's definition of men. It also adds "and you don't have the guts to approach the local ones who you really want".

I'll prove it wrong though. :grin: