Desktop Screen Shots (OT)

they insist on insecurity?

Actually, an airline we do business with in your beloved UK absolutely will NOT use IE7 for some reason. I'm not in the daily bitchfests (aka conference calls) since I take care of the system side of things. I had to set up a testing environment for our developers for IE6...I don't understand it either, Ken....
Hell fucking yeah it did.. FOX can suck my fucking balls for ruining that show. Nobody watched it cause they didn't know what the fuck was going on because they aired all the episodes out of order! Auggg piece of shit fox. No power in the 'verse can stop me!

p.s. LOL at your sigg
RiderOfJustice, I seriously just flipped my shit when I opened this thread. Seriously, consider all shit currently flipped.

That panel from the newest After the Fall is probably the best piece of art work that they've done on the Angel comics so far.

Props to being another massive-Whedon fanboy! I welcome you to the club. Or, if you're older, or a longer-time fan, thanks for the welcome.
RiderOfJustice, I seriously just flipped my shit when I opened this thread. Seriously, consider all shit currently flipped.

That panel from the newest After the Fall is probably the best piece of art work that they've done on the Angel comics so far.

Props to being another massive-Whedon fanboy! I welcome you to the club. Or, if you're older, or a longer-time fan, thanks for the welcome.

HAHA yeahh!! :kickass: been one for a couple years now. Im only 18 tho dude so not older haha. Yeah that page just fucking blew my mind, had to make it my desktop. :erk: poor gunn.
Safety in my case is from an enterprise point of view. When EIT tells us to use IE Vx due to security reasons, one must assume they are saying that because of the security measures they have put in place for that version. Using something outside that version can then introduce other security threats they are not prepared for.