Desperate to find metal that's not Death metal or metal about death...


I'm long winded
Jul 17, 2003
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DISCLAIMER- If you want to shit all over me for pointing out the flaws of your favorite genre, I'll read it with an open mind, but you won't get much of a response from me. I just want your suggestions, not an argument. I've been around enough message boards (this one included) to know how it goes... I'm not getting out of this one without an insult or two.
And I'm not trying to generalize TOO much here. I know it's not ALL like this, I'm NOT AN IDIOT.

Back to the thread title... I think all of that shit's just lame. All I can think of when I see these bands is quit trying so damn hard. Remember when Black Sabbath was the most metal thing out there, and if they put out a love song, they weren't called pussies over it? Remember how Maiden could write about just about anything, and they were considered groundbreaking for it? What happened to that? I don't give a fuck about DEATH. So what? Is it some sort of morbid teenage fascination gone wrong? Am I supposed to think "slotter is kool" because I like distorted guitars?
A good chunk of the genre has been ruined to me by an image. It's funny, because metal used to not be about image (there are always exceptions).. It was about not giving a fuck about your image. Guys had shaggy hair and ripped jeans because it was the lazy thing to do. What do they care, right? So what's with this "I look so evil and depressed" thing? Again, stop trying so hard to BE something or to FIT IN, and make some good music. Something that's not all speed picking, double bass, and growling. It's been done, it's going nowhere.

I just want a band with some heavy guitar parts, good songwriting that doesn't sound like everything else I've ever heard, and doesn't have shit like "necro-", "corpse", "rot", "death" or "blood" in their name. Can someone help me out?
Listen to Neuraxis, Arsis, and Fragments of Unbecoming.

Btw, you're going to be shit on for a number of reasons that your disclaimer didn't cover.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Btw, you're going to be shit on for a number of reasons that your disclaimer didn't cover.

Is my ignorance one of the reasons?
Keep in mind, I'm not someone from the outside looking in at this scene... I started with metal, then left when I realized how wretched and stagnant it had become (for my tastes). It was during this time when I realized how wrong it was to focus on the topics of depression, death and not much else in your music.
I agree with the last statement wholeheartedly. However, much of death metal takes a philosophical or observatory stance towards lyricism. Dark Tranquillity are hardly gory deathmongers.
Do you have a problem with death metal as a genre of music? If not you can find tons of bands that are unique and not totally focused on death. Lykathea Aflame, Arsis, basically all Gothenburg bands, Death towards the end of their career...There are many.
Zivilyn said:
It was during this time when I realized how wrong it was to focus on the topics of depression, death and not much else in your music.

What began as focusing on things that mainstream music didn't really cover (e.g. what is commonly considered 'deviant' subject matter) eventually got taken up by a mass of metal fans and "commodified" if you will. I don't have a problem with it, and saying it's "wrong" is just fucking plain out stupid!
Is there any genre you are looking for? Cause I personally know no power metal bands that talk about death, and there'd be a pretty meaty choice of thrash/heavy metal bands too.
Your ignorance is why you'll invariably get shat on, since a large amount of metal bands (probably a majority of the good ones) don't even write songs about death.
After posting, I went and listened to Lykathea Aflame. There are at least two great albums worth of ideas on Elvenefris, maybe three. Anyone who didn't really get into them needs to give them more listens.
Quo Vadis
Blind Guardian
and the list goes on.
uhhh where should I begin?

Lykathea Aflame
Symphony X
Pain of Salvation
Quo Vadis
Ved Buens Ende (heh heh)

the list does go on...
There's SOOOOOOO many metal bands that don't focus on death and gore and necro or whatever you posted about. People have made some good reccomendations already I'll add a few..

Ephel Duath
Over the years of listening to heavier genres and observing the community, I've noticed that it takes a special kind of person to appreciate this special kind of music.

It takes someone who has the patience to seep loads of crap in CD-store bins and online forums, looking for those gems they can proudly recommend to everyone around them.

Finding a good metal band almost feels like such an accomplishment exactly for those reasons, and that would explain why we are so happy to share that find with everyone who might be interested. Don't need to go far for examples, just look at this very thread.

So I'm totally with you on the fact that lyrical content in metal scene is lacking at best. Though, as I'm sure you'll see if you check out someone like Dark Tranquillity or Haggard or many of other above mentioned names, there are exceptions. And the fact that there IS so much crap out there, only makes these exceptions shine brighter.

I must say it does feel as if this problem spans beyond just metal. You guys have any thoughts on that subject?

Thank you for having the balls to bring this up here.
