Destroyer 666

View of the general area of where the concert will be held. Bring a knife and leave it in the car just in case.

thats the cool part of the awesome [and somewhat safe] transit system, theres a constant stream of metalheads heading to the gig. The only thing you run into on the way is enterprising metalheads who hit the grocery store and bought a dozen (or more) crates of beer selling it on the street. 1.50 fora good beer is way better than 3 -5 euro piss beer at the concert.
LOL @ Jerry and Mike ... the shitty locations make for a better d666 gig. the last NY show we went to also had this type of charming location but it ended up being killer. I guess being in fear of your life ads to the energy :lol:

btw, that strip looks like something out of T2. I think John Connor might be hiding out there somewhere.
thats the cool part of the awesome [and somewhat safe] transit system, theres a constant stream of metalheads heading to the gig. The only thing you run into on the way is enterprising metalheads who hit the grocery store and bought a dozen (or more) crates of beer selling it on the street. 1.50 fora good beer is way better than 3 -5 euro piss beer at the concert.

now i've never been to america but it's things like this that i think are cool about america somehow

the whole enterprising "i give no fucks" spirit that some folks have, we don't have that here
thats berlin.

In canada I had to dodge crakced out maniacs with knives to go to anything not HOLY SHIT MAINSTREAM. the main "metal gig" place was in the middle of an area that looked straight out robocop... fires in barrels, people yelling at inanimate objects and filthy.

Inside was ok-ish (dirty smelly socialist/punk type bar... no cleaning)
lol okay so forget about that as an example but what i said still holds true

america sucks 99% though im sure of it
Any of you other American vunts plan on getting the acne singed off your rosy cheeks by the obliterating percussion and deafening riffage administered by this coalition from hell?

Dark One & Nad are slated to be in attendance. Come one, come all.
Dark One & Nad are slated to be in attendance. Come one, come all.

Yeah, this is definitely the show of the tour to be at. I've had a flight credit burning a hole in my online pocket since the Maryland Deathfest trip fell apart and the atmosphere at this show looks like it's going to be off the charts. A 500 person capacity 10 band festival with the likes of Destroyer 666, Urgehal (underrated old school Norwegian Black Metal) & The Chasm (debuting their new album that night) in an industrial warehouse setting? Spearhead also sounds pretty damn cool from what I've heard.

Plus, I believe it's the only time on D666's tour they're playing with Urgehal.

Are you kidding me?

Coolio ... Max and Greg ... Is Paula coming Greg?

I have to think of how I can get out 2 Mondays in a row (got Gojira the Monday before) from helping ze wife with baby duties. Good think Viki sleeps early now, so she is easy :loco: