Dethklok Deth - Most copies for a metal band this year?

I ordered the album on Amazon, and it was supposed to arrive on my birthday (the 2nd of October).

It still hasn't. I'm guessing there's major supply issues with it.

But I downloaded the album and I love it. Sure, it isn't brutal death metal, but then if it was it would never of got popular in the first place. I understand why the vocals aren't as insane as they could have been, or why the guitars aren't actually that fast or lowly tuned.

To be honest, the album is as good as it could be without becoming unsellable to the general public. As it is alot of non-Metal fans will probably buy it purely because of the show.
I've honestly become so sceptic, I really thought metal could never be this successful. But maybe that success is a little over pronounced b/c of the fact that they didn't press enough copy's of the album. *in a Toki Wartooth voice* "you knows...whatevas"
I downloaded the album a couple weeks ago and can't even express how happy I am that I didn't buy it. Say what you will about illegal downloading, but you can't deny that it plays a valuable role in protecting consumers from purchasing crap like this album.

Also, I've seen a few episodes of the show and it sucks as much as the album. The only thing I've thought was funny so far was the time the singer claimed "you're pretty much the ultimate girlfriend right now," after she went into a coma from falling down the stairs.
I think the opening song for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie blows everything else away.
Just checked Amazon to check on my order. It's been delayed for a week.

Though I guess I'm lucky. Dispatches are now taking 4 to 6 WEEKS.

And that's on the deluxe edition as well. I have no idea on the standard, cheaper version.

And say what you like about the show or the music. I like it, and I hope this introduces more people to the genre. Especially if it influences them to listen to extreme Metal and not the watered down crap you see on TV.
I think it's the metalhead image that chases people away from the more extreme sub-genres of metal, more than the sound. I think there are a lot of people out there who like heavy music but don't always appreciate it telling them to worship satan and what not.
if you enjoy this album youre a fucking disgrace to metal


I don't know if you're trolling on purpose, or just being amusing by accident, but good stuff.

But considering who's guest starred in the show (George Fisher - Cannibal Corpse, James Hetfield - Metallica for two), I think it's safe to assume alot of Metal bands out there are big fans. So I really don't see what isn't Metal about it.