Dethklok Deth - Most copies for a metal band this year?

do they do like that gay ass band "the gorrillaz" and never show there face in concert or are they cloaked behind a screen too?

i do love the show tho!

Even better, they should at least find a guy that looks like murderface and get him to play live. it would be a riot.

My friend in nevada is going to see them haloween night. They should come liven up our colleges... :\
Some of you people take metal too seriously. it's entertainment, holy shit. Love it and all but jeeze, you need some other hobbies.

Dethklok is funny, its entertaining, its relating to something everyone here likes, so its familiar. The music is catchy, its heavy, and so on. Metal is fun. Settle down now!
lol there was too many pages to continue reading so... and i care about my music very much. im sure for more people than just me its a major part of their life. it defines them.
Saw this CD in the store today. They had like 20 copies. I very seriously considered buying it but decided against it. I was already picking up a bunch of Rammstein, figured I didn't need an endless supply of new CDs.
Bad move man! There's no such thing as too many CDs, in my book at least......and this is one to own.

And does anyone notice that the guitar solo Castratikron sounds kinda like the guitar solos on the Winds CDs? Thought that was interesting...And its not a bad thing, its very catchy.
if you enjoy this album youre a fucking disgrace to metal

BWAHAHA! :lol: I know you're just joking, but metal heads can like whatever they want. Everyone has guilty pleasures, I don't care how kvlt you are. It's funny & I know you're joking, but that's the way children think.

I'm wondering why this thread was wanting to get closed down exactly... Not every thread here asks about the sound of music specifically, it refers to all metal music in general. The thread master simply stated he thought it fucking sucked that the album was sold out in his town, so that naturally is going to lead to discussion about the band in question. Unless the band is not Metal I see absolutely nothing wrong with the premise of this thread & it has gotten more than a few hits.

I've never heard Dethklok... I'm normally not into that sort of thing, but you guys have me interested so I may give this album a curtosy download. I did see it on the shelves at a wack ass music store last night though. They had a few copies, but the most obscure thing they had there was probably fucking Death & 3 Inches of Blood :hypno:

I did see one episode of Metalocalypse... It was the episode where one of the guitarists was pissed because the other guy was better & so he statred taking lessons. I remember his teacher died at the end of it. Whatever... I sure won't judge the entire show on one episode but I thought that one episode sucked & the voices were very childish & annoying, mainly for the guitarists... The show that came on after it was much funnier.
Jesus Christ, look at all the losers with Dethklok profiles. :lol: at that shit...

Listening to the all the MySpace music off different profiles... I guess it's not alllll that bad, but it's far from being that damn good like many of you are making it out to be. "I want some coffee! Coffee! Scream foooorrrr your creaaaam! Bah! bah! bah! Coffee!" Bwahahaha kinda entertaining, but I'll probably be completely over it in a few days. Bargain bin corporate metal heroes in a sense... But it's kinda coo, I'll admit.

I also know all the words to Bette Middler's "Wind Beneath My Wings". I was singing it when it came on at the gas station a few weeks back. That song "Two Become One" by the Spice Girls is also pretty damn good. I used to want to bang Ginger Spice really hard in that video. "Like a Prayer" is my favorite Madonna song too!
bad news for anyone wanting to go to the concert.

We have a bit of an update to the tour dates:

Schedule for Adult Swim Presents Trail of Dead and Dethklok:
10/29/07: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N.M. *
10/31/07: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nev. ^
11/01/07: University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. ^
11/02/07: University of California, Berkley, Calif. *
11/05/07: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo. #
11/07/07: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. #
11/08/07: University of South Dakota, Vermillian, S.D. #
11/11/07: University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. #
11/13/07: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill. #
11/14/07: University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. #
11/17/07: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. ^
11/18/07: Northwestern University, Chicago, Ill. #

* Free concert. Open to students and non-students. No tickets.
^ Students only. No advance tickets. Show ID night of concert for entrance.
# Students only. Contact box office for ticket information.