Dethklok Deth - Most copies for a metal band this year?

I never heard of them until I read that a metal band placed high on the billboard charts.

I checked out some samples just to laugh since anything popular normally sucks, and I dig it a lot. It's got a lot of catchy riffs and nice tempos. I don't even check out brutal death anymore because it's SO monotonous. Anything different is fresh.

2 thumbs up from me.
So, my two cents about Dethklok - as it's worth it. I have never seen the TV show [not living in US nor being able to watch US TV -and not even having dsl connection, there you go-], however I got the chance to hear the Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle. And I fell in love.

I agree when people say it's fun. This is *pure fun* in fact. Any group is obviously perceived in a different way, depending on the person's background, musical tastes and, well, on the trend too. However, labeling something like this as 'trend' only not even giving it a try it's not really clever.

Regarding the rest.. fully respect to any music taste, not trying to convert anyone at all.. it's not a religious matter and mine is just a [humble] opinion, not a crusade.
People may not like the genre or think it's dull music. It's okay. As for now, I am really looking forward reading some concert [students, lucky b******s XD] review. I really wonder how they sound like playing live :)
There are some well written songs on it. Awaken, Thunderhorse, Dethharmonic, and the theme song are all awesome.
I think it's hillarious that they actually toured though. Funny stuff. I listened to their MySpace songs though & I thought it kinda sucked, but it was humourous I'll admit.
I'm surprised they toured this early, I think Brandon Small needs a lot more work on his vocals before he even steps foot out of the studio. Seriously, his "growls" are not good.
I went to see the band at Northwestern, since it was free for students. I also was interested in seeing Gene Hoglan. He looked bored by the material though. None of it was particularly challenging.

I thought the music wasn't too interesting. Not funny enough for a joke band, and not serious enough for a serious band. The whole event reeked of commercialism. For all but the encore, the band was dark, and the lighting was on the animated music videos.

...Trail of Dead was boring and super pretentious art fag music. Not enjoyable.

I had not heard any of the music previously. I assume that those who were familiar with it would be more entertained. The humor sometimes worked, and was sometimes flat. The animated clips in between songs also probably worked better for those acclimated with the series.
Who knows; probably more of the latter.

He really growls, but I'm betting it takes a lot of tries, because on stage it seemed like he would accidentally switch to higher pitched black metal type vocals by accident. Dpesn't seem like he has much control over it.