....I don't doubt the local drawing power for the combination of the two Friday headliners, especially given this forum is more or less a microcosm of the attending population. Still curious to hear who will be closing out the fest.


also I will be interested to see how many Soil fans do show up since the rest of the lineup probably doesnt appeal to them necessarily.
In all seriousness, we're happy to be playing on this Fest regardless, and grateful that they asked us to be a part of it. Opening for these headliners will give us a chance to play in front of some different people than we normally do here, and while some might not like what we've got to offer, I hope some of them will at least give us a chance and maybe even really like it, lol! I personally like both of the bands headlining over us, and we've been friends of Soil's for a long time now, so it'll be a good time and we'll have fun.
Same here bro, we're so happy to be part of the fest as well. Of course finally seeing yous guys live is will be freaking awesome!

Regarding the diverse genres of metal at the show I think its a good thing, its all about exposure to things you've never heard before. Like at lunch today they gave some something I didnt order but it looked good and I ate it and it was better than what I had originally ordered. Hopefully people will walk away from the fest finding some new music that they didnt think they would be into.
Just general, why do so many "metal" fans here in the states always make comments about how great the European fests are & wish we had more like those here when those same fests mix it up even more than we do? it wrong to try to get American fans to accept and appreciate a wider variety bands like the European fans do? Is it really that hopeless? Well...we're definitely not going to quit trying...even if we do lose some of you along the way.

Hope to see some of you this year. If not...then well...maybe once we plan that CRJ Open Air fest...and have the means & complete network to invite everyone's favorite bands! :p

But for right now...we're still building on those means & connections. Accept it or don't...we're not going anywhere...
Just general, why do so many "metal" fans here in the states always make comments about how great the European fests are & wish we had more like those here when those same fests mix it up even more than we do? it wrong to try to get American fans to accept and appreciate a wider variety bands like the European fans do? Is it really that hopeless? Well...we're definitely not going to quit trying...even if we do lose some of you along the way.

Hope to see some of you this year. If not...then well...maybe once we plan that CRJ Open Air fest...and have the means & complete network to invite everyone's favorite bands! :p

But for right now...we're still building on those means & connections. Accept it or don't...we're not going anywhere...

Its not always that, there is such a thing as wider variety and then there are things some ppl cannot accept.
If I lived in Mokena I wouldn't care so much. But its a scourge to my wallet when I plan for things like this. Gotta drive out there and book a room. pay high prices left n right.
When it comes to this I feel I somewhat have a right to be picky on what bands I'd like to see.

That and to some elitists Wacken is falling apart. And believe me there are plenty of Europeans who are picky. Having different tastes is not segregated to the US.

It is your guy's fest. Do what you want.
But I'd like to say this. If you chase after 2 hares you will catch neither. Right now it feels like your chasing 30.

It shouldn't be a mission to to broaden our horizons. It should only be for you to be satisfied in your accomplishments of pulling off another fest, seeing bands you like, and whatever profit you gain.

I really enjoyed CPF 08. I still have faith that Saturday might have something to fit my tastes.
If not I will make plans to be at CPF 2010.
If you chase after 2 hares you will catch neither. Right now it feels like your chasing 30.

WOW!! I couldn't agree more! Except that the 30 hares in this case are NOT fans...but rather the number of headliners we went after this year...and actually had in our grasp. Although...thankfully...we did finally catch those 2. :lol:

You'll either get what I'm saying, or you won't. If you don't, then I would suggest never trying to do what we're doing. :p :lol:
I too am a fan of the Ryan era Soil. Devildriver I totally dig, so that's a win for me. Both bands will draw, which is the friggin' point, yes? The direction of diversity that this fest has taken is what drew me in in the first place. If I want a one genre fest, there's plenty of those around. I've always been pretty open, but that's just me. I was already sold on the previous announcement, and that included bands that I never heard of before, gave a listen to, and liked. Think about that, people. Life gets pretty boring if you spend every single day eating a ham sandwich. It's the same thing with music. :)
WOW!! I couldn't agree more! Except that the 30 hares in this case are NOT fans...but rather the number of headliners we went after this year...and actually had in our grasp. Although...thankfully...we did finally catch those 2. :lol:

You'll either get what I'm saying, or you won't. If you don't, then I would suggest never trying to do what we're doing. :p :lol:

I get it. besides you don't want the bailout. the metal union would control you.:lol:
WOW!! I couldn't agree more! Except that the 30 hares in this case are NOT fans...but rather the number of headliners we went after this year...and actually had in our grasp. Although...thankfully...we did finally catch those 2. :lol:

You'll either get what I'm saying, or you won't. If you don't, then I would suggest never trying to do what we're doing. :p :lol:

Tough break on all the things that fell thru, but I would have hoped Soil and DevilDriver hadn't even been on your lists to begin with. I would have expected it to take a lot more than 30 things falling thru to get to those names.

Just general, why do so many "metal" fans here in the states always make comments about how great the European fests are & wish we had more like those here when those same fests mix it up even more than we do?
As someone whose attended a few European festivals, I'll offer two answers...

1. Those festivals have 50 - 100 bands performing. They also have multiple stages. So... if you don't like 10%, 20% or 30% of the bands, it doesn't much matter. You can just go watch a band you do like, on another stage. At last year's Sweden Rock, my wife watched Electric Light Orchestra while I watched At the Gates. Within the context of a 12 band, single stage festival, people are forced to watch whatever is on the stage.

2. Those festivals tend to bring a general Metal audience. In the states, when promoters cross promote traditional Metal acts with younger Metal acts, they do so to maximize ticket sales, by drawing from different demographics. Personally, I have no desire to see a show with a Killswitch Engage crowd. While I personally don't mind mosh pits, and have been known to jump into a few of them myself, I have no desire to share floor space with folks who feel windmilling and roundhouse kicks are an acceptable part of a pit. it wrong to try to get American fans to accept and appreciate a wider variety bands like the European fans do?
I'm not sure why, as promoters, you're trying to get fans to accept or appreciate anything. It's not the promoter's role to try to change the mentality of fans. Regardless, the simple fact of the matter is, there are cultural differences between American and European audiences.

Mind you, none of this is intended as criticism. I'm not familiar with either Devildriver or Soil, and have no opinion on the quality of either act. I'm simply trying to offer an answer to the question you asked. Like most people, I intend to wait for the remainder of the line up to be announced.

I'm not sure why, as promoters, you're trying to get fans to accept or appreciate anything. It's not the promoter's role to try to change the mentality of fans. Regardless, the simple fact of the matter is, there are cultural differences between American and European audiences.


Well...technically, I really should've said "is it wrong to hope to get American fans to..." and not "try to get..."

We're still a long way from everything going our way...and the growing pains are just a part of getting to that next level. Persistence is the key obviously...