Well...technically, I really should've said "is it wrong to hope to get American fans to..." and not "try to get..."

We're still a long way from everything going our way...and the growing pains are just a part of getting to that next level. Persistence is the key obviously...
Seriously... whether it seems like it all the time or not, I wish you guys the best of luck. The U.S. needs more good festivals and I'm sure building a festival like this has got to be a very difficult thing to get off the ground.

Of course the next question is obviously... how close are you to inking the last two bands?

Rob, just an outsider looking in... It's GOOD to have all these guys on the forum passionate about the fest. They support you, and in return you guys have somewhat of an obligation to the fans who HAVE supported you up to now. THEY are the reason you grew to a point where you can get bands like Testament and Iced Earth. I think the key to fulfilling that obligation, is to give them a band they might not normally have the opportunity to see live. As Zod said, with only one stage, there's no options, so you're forced to work harder to please.

With that said, the line up is solid. It WILL draw well, but it will draw a totally different crowd as well. Some of your "regulars" may feel let down a bit. I personally am pretty excited to play for a crowd that may not be tailored to our music. It will make us work that much harder to earn new fans that night. And believe me, we're bringing our "A" game, with brand new songs to unleash.
Just remember: En kuk i munnen är bättre än 10 i röven

P.S. Peder from Assailant will agree.
Honestly, the inclusion of Novembers Doom on Friday should be enough reason for people to head out there and check it out. It's enough for me to still be excited. You guys don't really play out too often, so it'll be a good opportunity for fans to go to the fest. </asskissing>
Excellent points, Zod and Paul, which further illustrate why this is
NOT an easy undertaking at all, everything affects everything else!
The ultimate goal is to bring metal fans the best possible fest at
that particular place in time and we feel we've done that, period!!

The future of the fest depends on growth and awareness and while
some may be disappointed, many others that are finding Powerfest for
the first time, are very excited. The blend past, present and future
supporters are ultimately what makes the festival grow and
succeed! We're VERY excited about this year and about what it
signifies in the grand scheme of things moving forward and upward! :rock:
Not sure. That's one of the catchier songs on their Scars album, and it's their closer. I haven't heard any of their other CDs, because the original singer left and joined Drowning Pool... and honestly, he was the only part of the band that I liked.
Not sure. That's one of the catchier songs on their Scars album, and it's their closer. I haven't heard any of their other CDs, because the original singer left and joined Drowning Pool... and honestly, he was the only part of the band that I liked.

Agreed....having seen Soil many times with both guys I have to say AJ is pretty much just short of awful, I never could get into his vocals. I did enjoy Scars and even some of the follow up but beyond that the band hasn't done much for me and I've seen them live enough for one life.

Interesting choices so far for headliners. Not my thing but I can see why it was done although in some aspects I think this direction alienates the true powerfest fan because most people there will view this as a Soil/Devildriver concert with a few other bands opening up rather than a fest. Of course the downside to catering to the powerfest fanbase, as proof of most of the previous fests, the drawing power is not there.

Hopefully Saturday there will be something that will interest me since so far there's been nothing :(
Interesting choices so far for headliners. Not my thing but I can see why it was done although in some aspects I think this direction alienates the true powerfest fan because most people there will view this as a Soil/Devildriver concert with a few other bands opening up rather than a fest.
I agree with your assessment. It seems the promoters were faced with either taking a bath financially or bringing in bands that will sell tickets, but that may force the festival to take a step backwards. Similar to you, I suspect that they'll sell their Friday night tickets. However, I don't expect any of the Devildriver/Soil fans to return to Powerfest for more "traditional" line-ups. Let's face it, Devildriver sells tickets because they're the flavor of the month. And fans who follow the flavor of the month, aren't loyal fans. Conversely, it looks like they're going to have fences to mend with their core consituency. Such are the consequences of putting your sack on the chopping block.

Last year was the same thing .. it was a Testament show one night, and a Iced Earth show the next .. or vice/versa .. can't remember. The rest of the lineup was lacking, and there was little in the way of an actual festival feel. The core element on the undercard last year was vilified. Hey, at least it made money. This year is looking like a repeat, except the undercard is stronger than the headlining acts.

Last year was the same thing .. it was a Testament show one night, and a Iced Earth show the next .. or vice/versa .. can't remember. The rest of the lineup was lacking, and there was little in the way of an actual festival feel. The core element on the undercard last year was vilified. Hey, at least it made money. This year is looking like a repeat, except the undercard is stronger than the headlining acts.


I know a lot of people felt that way last year but I kind of have to disagree with you. Last year's choices of Iced Earth & Testament fit more in line with this type of fest and the bands and the fan base. I think the headliners last year were so strong that it was really hard to not have them overshadow the rest of the lineup
It just seemed like two different crowds each night ... one night it was largely made up of IE fans, and the other Testament fans. Both crowds were a rough/meathead type crowd ... there's usually a little more camaraderie feel to these types of festivals than I felt those nights.

I've been to a bunch of Prog Power, BWBK, Powerfest shows, and even been to Wacken once. Last years Powerfest was the least enjoyable for me, and felt the least like a festival.

It just seemed like two different crowds each night ... one night it was largely made up of IE fans, and the other Testament fans. Both crowds were a rough/meathead type crowd ... there's usually a little more camaraderie feel to these types of festivals than I felt those nights.

I've been to a bunch of Prog Power, BWBK, Powerfest shows, and even been to Wacken once. Last years Powerfest was the least enjoyable for me, and felt the least like a festival.


Wow, what kind of camaraderie could you have at Wacken?? Aren't there 60,000 people there each day?? I've seen photos from Wacken and there were plenty of rough/meathead types there too. You're going to get that at any fest you go to....unless the fest in question is made up of a bunch of elitist assholes who just stand around as if it were a jazz concert.

Give me a place with a bunch of thrashers with moshpits and excitement over a boring ass crowd any day.
? Coming from a huge Iced Earth/Testament fan I thoroughly enjoyed that fest.
I liked Ion Vein and Darkane
SuidAkra and Sacred Dawn were the fucking shit.
And the only 2 bands I outright despised were Arise and Ruin and A Life Once Lost.

Thrashers and other heavy fans are NOT MEATHEADS!!
Many Iced Earth fans were overjoyed to finally see SuidAkra.
That and that feeling of the Pearl Room packed when Testament was on was something I have yet to have anything to compare to.
I must not know what Camaraderie means....

And any1 with any taste should have been pleased by the surprise of Sacred Dawn.
? Coming from a huge Iced Earth/Testament fan I thoroughly enjoyed that fest.
I liked Ion Vein and Darkane
SuidAkra and Sacred Dawn were the fucking shit.
And the only 2 bands I outright despised were Arise and Ruin and A Life Once Lost.

Thrashers and other heavy fans are NOT MEATHEADS!!
Many Iced Earth fans were overjoyed to finally see SuidAkra.
That and that feeling of the Pearl Room packed when Testament was on was something I have yet to have anything to compare to.
I must not know what Camaraderie means....

And any1 with any taste should have been pleased by the surprise of Sacred Dawn.

Honestly I think part of the reason why a show like Powerfest might not "feel" like a fest is because of the mindset and preconceptions of alot of members of the crowd there. It gets that feeling of, as previously mentioned, "strong headlining band with a bunch of opening acts" because so many people don't go there with any enthusiasm about seeing the other bands on the bill, because they've never heard of them or because they've already decided that those bands are nobodies or just not not their style. I think Rob and Chris are looking at the bands they book not so much with the mentality of "lets book alot of popular bands that will draw big numbers" as, "hey this band from Europe is really fucking cool, and though not too many people know them here, they'd be really awesome to see and it'd be cool to try and turn some people onto them." Plus the sad fact is that they just can't afford to pay the $$$ to get all well-known acts to fill out the fest and move to an even bigger festival-type location just yet. I guess it can be hard to get that "fest" feel when it's at a venue that you've seen numerous other local and national shows at, to be fair.

As shown over the past few years, it's impossible for Powerfest to come even close to pleasing everyone. Every year there's debate and arguements over the bands chosen to play, whether it's the headliners or the second tier acts. Last year came the closest I think to having a positive response, and even so as you can see, people still had complaints and criticisms. All Rob and Chris can do is go with their gut instincts and try to put together the best show they can with the resources given to them, and put together something that they personally think is solid.
Wow, what a lame lineup. I went to this thing to see agent steel a few years ago and had a great time. Didn't Atheist, Solitude Aeturnus and Lethal headline this thing a couple years ago? Man, would've loved to go to that.