Did a plane crash into the Pentagon on 9/11?

i have been at the Pentagon ... there are cameras EVERYWHERE outside in the parking lot ... this is the only one that captured anything?

there are no traces of plane anywhere ... just an explosion

and speaking of which ... was even a wheel ever shown from the alleged PA crash?
Erik said:
there are now apple pieces on the ground

thanks for proving my point very well

Here is a great highresolution of the aftermath:

Well, the thing is there are plenty of pieces of debri 3-foot and under, along with many medical eyewitness acounts of people describing holding bodyparts. People want to see two fifty foot pieces of wing before they are satisfied though.

For instance: "It was absolutely a plane, and I'll tell you why," says Kilsheimer, CEO of KCE Structural Engineers PC, Washington, D.C. "I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box." Kilsheimer's eyewitness account is backed up by photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building. Kilsheimer adds: "I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"

Also, that picture you posted of the "toughest no-parking sign in America" is a hole made by the dislodged landing gear of the aircraft, not the fuselodge.
and this video is nothing new ... it was shown for a few days after the attack .. then dissapeared ... obviouslly as it was shady.
yeah... no one from the "public" knows anything about what really happened, despite what you think. we're always being lied to and that's the only truth.
Watched the DOD video.


Yeah real informative, that cleared up everything. :guh:

I think the best part is that there's no plane in the video, haha.


(It's funny because I hate that pedal)
Yea I saw this video awhile back. Some govt. official was attempting to explain it by freezing the frame.

"And here you can clearly see the outline of a...uhhh....undefinable....thing...."
I think people try to make this more simple than it is. It reminds me of arguments I have with friends while watching movies. Somebody will get shot in the movie and a friend will say something like, "No fucking way that would have happened. That bullet would have gone straight through him!" I've read enough history and first hand battle accounts to know you just can't predict shit like that. Somebody can get shot in the hand and the bullet can travel under the skin all the way up and into the chest for example. And unexpected crap like this happens all the time.

I've heard the conspiracy theories around this and at this point, I don't know if I believe what the government is saying but I also don't think the conspiracy theorists have shit for evidence as yet. My father was across the street, however, and he said it was a plane. I'll believe that for now.
Erik said:
it shows absolutely nothing interesting at all
They didn't release this video to prove their story. They released it because it was requested under the "Freedom of Information Act".

I think conspiracy theorists give the U.S. government way too much credit. They can't even keep the things they do in secret a secret. And now, you have them coordinating the destruction of the twin towers, half of lower Manhattan, the Pentagon, shooting down planes over PA, and redirecting a commercial airliner over the Atlantic so that F15s could blow it to pieces? Not to mention, they decided, planned, coordinated and pulled all of this off in 9 months? And you call us foolish for believing the government's story?:goggly:

As Richard Clarke said this weekend, the two mistakes conspiracy theorists always make, is thinking the government can follow through on a plan and keep a secret. Do I believe our government is evil enough to do something like this? Probably. Do I believe they're capable? No.


EDIT: I could be wrong, but I'm under the impression it had much to do with the sequence of the day's events. The passengers on the other flights thought their planes were just being hijacked, not that they were on a suicide mission. When the passengers of the PA flight learned what happened on the previous flights, they knew it wasn't just a hijacking.
Erik said:
i already said i don't actually swallow all this. the one thing i doubt is that a 757 has flown into the pentagon, because i haven't seen pretty much anything that supports that.
Fair enough. However, if a plane didn't hit the Pentagon, how did it get damaged? Is the idea that within an hour of the Twin Towers being hit, the Bush administration divised, coordinated and executed this hoax? They blew up the outer walls of the Pentagon and rediverted some random plane and destroyed it... again, within an hour? And left no witnesses? And even if this is somehow conceivable, we'd still be left to ask "why"? What purpose did destroying the Pentagon's outer wall serve?

Keep in mind, this is the same administration, that with five days notice, couldn't figure out a way to get buses to New Orleans. Even when heads of various bus companies called and offered.

General Zod said:
I think conspiracy theorists give the U.S. government way too much credit.
haha, good point.

Cool link too, although has the black box ever surfaced? I know the other ones have.
General Zod said:
Fair enough. However, if a plane didn't hit the Pentagon, how did it get damaged? Is the idea that within an hour of the Twin Towers being hit, the Bush administration divised, coordinated and executed this hoax? They blew up the outer walls of the Pentagon and rediverted some random plane and destroyed it... again, within an hour? And left no witnesses? And even if this is somehow conceivable, we'd still be left to ask "why"? What purpose did destroying the Pentagon's outer wall serve?

Keep in mind, this is the same administration, that with five days notice, couldn't figure out a way to get buses to New Orleans. Even when heads of various bus companies called and offered.


Zod -- have you ever considered that this may not have been coordinated by the US government? Rather a proxy agent working on behalf of the US government?

Can the US pull this shit off? No way.

Can Israel? You bet your a$$.

How do we even know there were Arab terrorists on the planes? How do we know the black box recordings are even real?

Those planes flying into the towers....even experienced pilots have said that is extremely difficult to do. These guys, if they were even involved, could barely fly a kite.

And the most obvious evidence...how all the jews were alerted the night before the towers got hit. After all, it is a known fact that THERE WERE NO JEWS IN THE TOWERS.
