Did you get your money's worth?


Da Head Puppy
May 5, 2003
Free Range Dog
Visit site
Killer fest, as usual.

Thought this might be fun. See if anyone wants to play along.

PPVI cost us $100, right? 10 bands? $100 bucks? So, say $10 per band? Did each of those bands deliver on that $10 you spent on them? If so, then the fest was worth $100 bucks for you, right? If say one band absolutely sucked, they'd be worth $1, $2 maybe.

You can use ANY criteria you want. If you completely missed a band, say so and just be fair and arbitrary.

I'll be the example here:


Manticora - $ 8
Solid set, wasn't expecting much, pleasantly surprised.

Circus Maximus - $8
Judgement call. Heard most from the lobby while waiting for the PC69 signing session. Wanted to see them but figured listening from the lobby while waiting for Readman and crew was the tradeoff I had to make

Orphaned Land - $5
Wasn't interested to start off with, didn't become impressed with what I saw and heard.

Conception - $9
Would have been $10 but Khan sounded a little off from where I was sitting. Might have been the sound guy from all the posts I've been reading

Angra - $9
Liked Temple of Shadows, wasn't going in with big expectations but was pleased with what I heard and saw. Tough following a reunion like Conception's.

First day total $39 out of a possible $50

Stride - $7
Missed this due to a football game I was trying to catch. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt with a default score of $7.

Symphorce - $9
VERY impressed. Again, wasn't expecting much but turned out better than I hoped. Closing with 'Fallen' off of Twice Second helped out immensely.

Pink Cream 69 - $7
Came in with incredibly high expectations, was moderately disappointed. Took too much time between songs, looked sluggish (following Symphorce hurt more than helped) and just never got a groove going til the very end.

Therion - $7
Not a fan, checked out a few songs, good stage show, but the music didn't move me at all.

Stratovarius - $7
Bailed halfway through Therion so I missed this completely. Sounds from the posts they took forever getting on stage so, looks like I made a shrewd move.

Saturday's score: $37 out of $50

Grand total: $76 out of $100

Now, as a comparison, I'll quickly give a scoring from PPIV which is the only other one I've been able to make.

In no particular order:
Redemption - $8
Pagan's Mind - $9
Mercenary - $7
Secret Sphere - $6
Vanden Plas - $10
Circle II Circle - $8
Evergrey - $10
Sym X - $8 (Sound was painfully loud, can still remember that)
Rage - $9
Nightwish - $6
Total: $81

Granted, I'm not taking ANY of the other things into account such as the vendors, the corsets, the beer, the food, the stairs, the crew, the fact that Glenn is a GOD for doing all of this in the first place. This is just a little fun and no insult is intended to any of the bands in question. Maybe it's just an attempt at providing feedback for next year's show.
I would propose that we combine threads because this is the funniest thing I've heard all weekend. What kind of nerd tries to quantify fun?

What concert venue do you go to that allows you to pay based on your ex-post facto assessment of your enjoyment of the show?

Without doing a single fucking calculation, I know I got my money's worth (2 gold badges, 2 pre-party tickets, 2 airplane tickets, 3 nights at Residence Inn, 10 Marta tokens).

All it takes is one or two good bands - everything else is worth it for the opportunity to see fat chicks in corsets and bitch about saved seats and air temperature. Oh, and seeing friends, too. You can't put a price on a ProgPower weekend. When you start this kind of mathematical dumbfuckery, it's time to just stay home and listen to your CDs by yourself.

Joe-× said:
I would propose that we combine threads because this is the funniest thing I've heard all weekend. What kind of nerd tries to quantify fun?

What concert venue do you go to that allows you to pay based on your ex-post facto assessment of your enjoyment of the show?

Without doing a single fucking calculation, I know I got my money's worth (2 gold badges, 2 pre-party tickets, 2 airplane tickets, 3 nights at Residence Inn, 10 Marta tokens).

All it takes is one or two good bands - everything else is worth it for the opportunity to see fat chicks in corsets and bitch about saved seats and air temperature. Oh, and seeing friends, too. You can't put a price on a ProgPower weekend. When you start this kind of mathematical dumbfuckery, it's time to just stay home and listen to your CDs by yourself.


I never thought this would happen, but I agree with a Joe-x post.
I like this thread...but then again, I'm an Advanced Economics teacher and I'll fucking quantify anything!!! Soooo...

Manticora: $7
Circus Maximus: $11 (beyond expectations)
Orphaned Land: $5
Conception: $0 Didn't see them
Angra: $0 Didn't see them
Stride: $7
Symphorce: $6
Pink Cream 69: $10
Therion: $2 (not for me at all)
Stratovarius: $8

TOTAL: $56 JUST on BANDS...add in vendors, people, ambience, meeting people and it's WAY worth it!

Don't be a HAYTA! This is a cool thread!
Band: Value
Therion $25
OL $22
Angra $21
Stratovarius $15
PC69 $10
Symphorce $10
CM $8
Manticora $8
Stride $8
Conception $5
Total: $132

You own Glenn $32. I expect he'll take your checks.
Joe-× said:
I would propose that we combine threads because this is the funniest thing I've heard all weekend. What kind of nerd tries to quantify fun?

What kind of nerd posts on an internet forum? :loco: :lol:
Do you guys have any idea how much mainstream concerts cost?!?

Do you know how much bands like Metallica charge?

If Therion was coming to Atlanta, I would be there. I'd readily buy my gold badge (which is more expensive) just to see them. And hell with Orphan Land and Angra on the bill I would readily double it if it got that pricey.
Plus all the other cool things you get to experience at this festival...
This thread is silly...
Yeah.....silly. I wouldn't have given much for most of the bands, but it was the fun and the venue and the experience, and the bands I did like that wouldn't have been in the US otherwise, that were worth it.
Killerpuppies said:
Killer fest, as usual.

Thought this might be fun. See if anyone wants to play along.

Granted, I'm not taking ANY of the other things into account such as the vendors, the corsets, the beer, the food, the stairs, the crew, the fact that Glenn is a GOD for doing all of this in the first place. This is just a little fun and no insult is intended to any of the bands in question. Maybe it's just an attempt at providing feedback for next year's show.

Dude, seriously, get a girlfriend. You'd be amazed at what a little pussy can do for you. You'll leave these so called facts and figures behind and actually learn to enjoy yourself. There's no shame in getting a hooker if necessary.
This is easy.

Orphaned land: $100000000000000.00

Therion: $10000000000000.00

There were other bands that were awesome as well (Manticora, Conception), but those two alone were priceless to me and were well worth the price of admission in themselves.
TheWhisper said:
Conception...priceless! :worship:

I agree 100%!!!!!!! I would have flown down to Atlanta and spent the $100 plus airfare and hotel simply to see them (yes I am crazy, but fuck it!). That show must be released on DVD in the future.

I think there is definitely a possibility as they are no longer a band in the sense that a record label is involved, management, etc.. I would think it is solely up to Tore and the boys as I'm sure Glenn would support it if the show was recorded well. Now that would be priceless as well!!!
Manticora: $10 (Nuff said)
Circus Maximus: $1 (Didn't see them, caught like 1 song, it was ok)
Orphaned Land: $4 (Sounded ok, but wasn't my thing)
Conception: $3 (I like energetic shows, this was kinda laid back. Great guitarist tho)
Angra: $8 (Wasn't there to see them, wasn't familiar with their stuff, but they definately had great songs and their guitarists were awesome!)

Stride: $6 (Definately good musicians, enjoyable to watch)
Symphorce: $9 (Wow! These guys had ENERGY!)
Pink Cream: $0 (Lame as hell, felt like I was watching the Grateful Dead with Chong on bass)
Therion: $9 (Great stage show, entertaining to watch!)
Stratovarius: $1 (Weak, put me to sleep)

But then again, I paid $100 just to see Manticora. So seeing Angra, Stride, Symphorce, and Therion was a bonus!
Hmm, decent local bands play shows for $10 ticket prices and sometimes more, and fans pay that much, so I figure even a mediocre performance from a PP-class band is worth a great deal.

Manticora -- $15 Easily worth this much since they're quite talented and fun to watch
Circus Maximus -- $15 About the same, I liked their show also, just wanted as familiar with their material
Orphaned Land -- $40 I'd happily pay this much to see them headline a show here in the future
Conception -- $30 Excellent sound, great song selection, reunion show was a true moment of metal history
Angra -- $10 Would be lots more if their sound hadn't been terrible. Rumor has it Edu's voice was off. I'd like to comment, but I couldn't hear it over the guitar. --And as for that looong intro....take a lesson from Kamelot last year and, if you have to have a walk-on intro, play the first, kickass part of a song ("The Might of Rome" from the Gladiator soundtrack is what Kamelot used) and get the hell on stage already!

So, uh, night one comes in at $109.

Stride -- $20 Excellent musicianship, so "twice what a decent local band would get" works here
Symphorce -- (undefined) I didn't see their set (but heard it, and it sounded fine from outside) due to Therion's autographing session
Pink Cream 69 -- (undefined) I made a 'cargo run' back to the hotel and intended to head back in time to catch at least part of their set, but getting off my aching feet felt so good I almost passed out.....which would have put me in the same league as Jim Raggi.
Therion -- $60. I'd pay that much tomorrow to see them again. I paid considerably more than that for their ProgPower show and don't regret a dime of it.
Stratovarius -- $40. A bit disappointing, but mostly because I couldn't get in front before the show started, as I was busy backstage etc., and it was hard to get a good spot to watch their show from. Plus I was totally worn out from Therion's set.

Errrm. Saturday comes in at $120, so the total is $229.

This doesn't include such other intangibles as $50 for Maria calling me "sweetie" after I tipped her for pouring me a Diet Coke. :D
I would have paid my Gold Badge price just for hearing Conception play "A Million Gods".

Add to that the rest of their great setlist, plus Therion's venue-destroying set, and I would have paid for those two bands alone.
