Did you hear about the new matter??

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
No, it's not bad english on my part....

I read in the paper today that scientists have discovered a new type of matter, not a liquid, gas, or a solid! It is a substance that has been theorized about since Einstein, maybe earlier, but had been described as impossible to prove. But they have it!!! Some scientists in a swedish school I believe, this could change many things for us, and we thought we couldn't get much further along technologically wise.....Time travel?? Maybe.....
Jeez there sure is a lot of large world happennings at this time... It is the big 2001, :loco:
Well I can't wait to hear more about it, know any place we can read on it?
liquid/solid/gas are just various states of matter. You could include plasma as another state, although it is a somewhat special case.

Maybe you are referring to what scientists have theorized as 'dark matter'....
"The technology could also be used in quantum computers, which are expected to be much faster than today's computers."

greatest understatement of all time.

Quantum computers plus Fusion energy, and we become gods.

An Idea I learnt from anime. A brain is made up of lots of little cells, and together they gain consiousness as one being. A neural network.

What is the internet?

When quantum computers and fusion energy are available, all humans will connect to the internet thru powerful quantum computers implanted in their brain. This neural network may then gain consiousness with 6 billion people acting as brain cells all connected to each other, communicating using electric pulses.

Think about that for a while.