Did you know...

DYK- We could probably chill out a little bit here?
6: Actually, you can search for it on Google. I just found this:

"With new evidence that bacteria could live on Mars, a leading scientist is calling on NASA to improve procedures to prevent astronauts from bringing contamination back to Earth. If necessary, that could mean the astronauts would have to spend the rest of their lives on Mars, said Jeffrey Kargel, a geologist with the United States Geological Survey."

I'm sure there's more stuff on the subject.
^Well, I think it's because most people prefer to be aknowledged by their username. I want to be aknowledged by my real name, so I made it my user name :)
Zack: Well, i know he would prefer that; otherwise, he wouldn't have asked it of me. I'm just wondering why i should do any favors to he who insists on annoying me with his posts. And don't go "you're too sentimental" or "it's not his intention" on me.
Undo- Ya, but sometimes you just have to overlook things that piss you off to solve a conflict, there's just no way around it. "Kill them with kindness", if you will.

6- I think Undo would enjoy living a very very red life :)
^^Well, the be prepared for even more conflict :)
La Rocque- You realize this argument you are having is pointless right now? You're arguing the trivial matter of whether you made a double post or not, and quite frankly I don't really care if you did. Just look at all the double posts I make in Q&A. If someone wrongly accuses you of something, and they're wrong just give them and e-pat on the back and say "It's alright mate, I make mistakes too"

Edit- Undo- your my pal, but now you're just fueling the fire