who did you enlighten today?

I took the liberty of attempting to enlighten this nice elderly couple who were sitting stationary at the same traffic light as I.
As soon as I increased the volume to near sonic assault status, merely trying to bestow upon them the grandeur that is, Dark Tranquillity, they had preceeded to give me a gaze that would have made lesser men cringe. They subsequently rolled their windows up and avoided anymore needless eye contact. Perhaps they had thought that there was something mentally wrong with me for polluting the atmosphere with such sonic masturbation. Go figure. That is the treatment that I recieved for attempting to better today's society.
@lethe78: :lol: :lol: i guess you could have tried harder, say, follow them home and try to surreptitiously enter their room at night to let them enjoy the beauty of dt at full volume, thus providing a much better substitute to the ever-present alarm clock. i'm sure they'd have reacted in a joyful, open-minded way. :)

I haven't enlightened anyone for a long time..I'm such a horrible person :cry:

~Zeanra~ (takes out her wallet and goes buying ice cream for a total stranger)
My friend liked DT :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

I made 2 cds for her. In the one i put some poser songs (cause she likes them), moving on to charon and then sentenced.
In the other i put theatre of tragedy, dt and a bit opeth.
She managed to get the feeling of Lethe and Auctioned :hotjump:
She loved Mikael's clean vocals and she said she liked the music too :)