Did you know...

O SHIZNAT, OH NO HE DIDN'T *police escort me out of audience*
DYK there's IM programs that support chatting between more than 2 members at the same time? And UM is not one of them?
^^Sorry Siren... we get carried away a lot of the time :(

DYK- Wintersun will be releasing "Time" sometime in the near future?

EDIT- I forgot this one.

DYK- That the probability of an asteroid colliding with earth is very high, and that the effects will be similar, if not worse, than the extinction of the dinosaurs? (That is, if you believe they died via asteroid?)

I find it amazing that a lot of people think the only natural disasters are Earthquakes, Tsunami, Hurricane, and Volcano :(
@Fingers: I doubt there's much thinking involved in all the chattering in the first place. Not referring to you personally though.
DYK- Mt. Everest is growing by approximately 3 inches every year? You probably did :D
DYK- I'm going to go get some chinese food with my mom? Should be some good bonding :)