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May 3, 2001
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if you did then get some target practice!

any of you that have known me long have heard of emma.
any of you that dont, my pc's name was emma. short for emma roid because she was a constant pain the ass!

on thursday emma decided to celebrate her 7th birthday by haveing an NMI (no that isnt anything like an enima!) and takeing her last breath.
she's taken her last breath before and i'll probably fix her soon but i thought it was time i faced the fact that she needed to be replaced.

dont ask whose cock i sucked to get someone to buy it for me (cuz i might tell ya!:loco: ). i got my 1st brand new pc in 7 years this morning.

now ya wonder why the hell ya should care about any of this-like i care if ya care!:loco: this thread is my excuse for not being here and your warning that i will be now!

i was wondering when you would check back here!

this new pc and the winxp are annoying the TOTAL FUCKING SHIT out of me! every time i turn the dam thing off it only saves some of my settings. i open ie and i click links and nothing happens or windows backpage by themselves or my typeing erases by itself or keyboard keys or functions dont work... it's never the same way twice and nothings EVER working right after it's been off or it's gone into suspend. i know i've just forgotten a simple setting somewhere but i cant think what and since it wont save the changes i make i have to reset them before i can do any work on the thing-i'm just doing the same things over and over and it is really starting to piss me off!
now i have to adjust my scroll settings. i havent done that at all yet but how it was working was acceptable to me and now if i hit a scroll bar or the scroll wheel it has all the sudden decided to scroll all the way to the top or bottom of the page. i havent hit the scroll lock either, so i dont get why it just decided to change how it works!
i was thinking about it, but ive never even used linux at all. i didnt think it would be to smart to just put up an os ive only read about and never seen. i REALLY dont like this xp shit though. maybe i'll patition the drive and try linux on one half so i get an idea what im doing...
if you DO, get Mandrake - nice 'windows'-like interface. Takes a bit to get used to, but it's worth a look :)

Once I can get my pc networked with Bev's while mine is using linux (only works windows > windows right now), I doubt I'll use windows much cept for photoshop...
Profånity said:
MRBEAST: I even made a rthread asking where you were.
and noone replied aye?:loco: thanks for asking boss, but sorry, i never saw it.
i still havent been on much. even though i got a new pc the winxp shits been haveing some capatabilty/configuration issues which of course it doesnt recognise and thinks it's working fine. i just got the keyboard to quit typeing by itself this morning.:err: i gotta write to mary(potpossum) she wrote to me and i couldnt reply...

oh well! now that yer here go to
and click the video link and check out the REIGN OF FIRE video!!!
Mark said:
if you DO, get Mandrake - nice 'windows'-like interface. Takes a bit to get used to, but it's worth a look :)

Once I can get my pc networked with Bev's while mine is using linux (only works windows > windows right now), I doubt I'll use windows much cept for photoshop...
i was checking it out on tucows and their website. there's the free download they say most people can have configured in a half hour but they also have the discover package for beginners thats $39 and sold out at the moment. whatcha think i should get?
not as spooky as the fact that about every 20 minutes something plays on my speakers that sounds like somebody saying "ahhah" and i havent been able to find what is causeing it and changeing my speaker volume doesnt seem to have any effect on how loud it is!
i was checking it out on tucows and their website. there's the free download they say most people can have configured in a half hour but they also have the discover package for beginners thats $39 and sold out at the moment. whatcha think i should get?
Part of the liscencing on the base linux engine is that it must be distributed for free. Of course, this doesn't stop CompUSA from selling it for $99 with a "software bundle" which is also freeware, but any legit version you can get for free.