Where did you meet your significant other?

I don't have an exciting story at all! :(

Me and my friend goes to footbal pub to buy cheap beer. He meats a friend of his, who's also brought one of her girlfriend. I am introdused to this girlfriend, and a little over a year later we're engaged to be married.
MajestikMøøse said:
I think the funniest thing about that is that is the second result in a google picture search for "Royal Carnage"
OMG BEST THING EVARRRRRRR1!!!!!1!1131!!113!#11
I lived in Tucson, was unemployed; my father said, hey, move up to Illinois and live with us til you get a job. meanwhile, my wife joins the army and gets orders to the same military installation. I get a job in the office next to hers. my keen senses of observation detect the feminine curvaciousness beneath a camoflage battle dress uniform, and...matrimony, and son spawn.

ct_thrash said:
its not an embarrassment blush. its a sexy blush...

I remember when it began to dawn on me that Random Item of the Day was more than just a game :)
Evil_Legend said:
It's always intriguing to me how other people hook up.
My wife loves this story.:loco:

We met at a club called J.J. Rockers. It's now Delilah's Den (a juice bar). J.J.'s was a dance club, but they played Rock and Metal. Anyway, we were both hammered when we met. It was 1AM, and my buddy pointed out her and her friends and said, "Go talk to them" (my buddy knows I'll talk to anyone when I've been drinking). Long story short, she gave me her number and the rest is history. We've been together 15 years. She's hands down the coolest chick on the planet.:worship:
