I have a VH4, traded a new Dual Recto for it, no regrets.'


Check the sample.
4 tracks, EMG81, played in B. No plugins, eq or anything here, just straight out the computer how it was recorded dry. Not my band, but a local one.
I dailed the gains on the amps very low, the key to multiple guitartracks.

My impression was that the 5150 and Diezel both have a thick grainy distortion, the Diezel barks more in the lower frequencies than the 5150. The complement each other very well.

I will record a new album with my band in januari with the same amps, will post samples of the dry 5150/Diezel tracks.

About euro's/dollars:
In europe a Triple Recto costs 2700 euro = 3834 US dollar!!
So for us eurothrash Mesa is very expensive.
When I was in Decimation Theory, Ansley had a VH4 and a Herbert at the same time. The Herbert sounded amazing by itself but the VH4 absolutely killed it when it came to cutting through in a band situation. This guy has had tons of amps Framus Dragon, VHT Pitbull UL, VHT Deliverance, ENGL Savage, ENGL SE, Mesa's.... But the one he's kept the longest was a good old block letter 5150 AND the UL. My favorite out of his amps were the 5150 and the ENGL Savage. Both killed when played w/ EMG 85s in the bridge.
In my band i play a roadking with 2 open back 12's and 2 closed back 12's.The other guitar player plays a Herbert through a Diezel 412. they blend together amazingly live. We havent had the chance to record with the diezel yet but im anxious to try it out. The clean channel sounds like a jazz chorus on steroids.the rythem channel has a great organic sound and the lead totally has that harmonic haze that the boogie stuff does.The diezel is a pricey amp but if it fits your taste and you have the scratch why not.When it comes to which amp has more knobs the Roadking has twice as many as the Diezel,more knobs can be both good and bad at times.I thought about going to the Vh4 but The Roadking set up is really hard to part with.
Adam Jones from Tool uses Diezels live and in the studio. I remember wondering what he was playing through when I saw them recently.

i saw one of Adam's vh4's go on ebay about a year ago for around 5 grand. It was signed by both Adam and Peter Diezel..
Ok so i have borrowed that same vh4 i used on Nocturnal as well as a herbert for the current record that jason is producing and im engineering.

Both have brand new tubes and the cab is a mesa recto oversize with v30s

I gotta say again the vh4 is just no good at all for metal... some cool rock tones but overall just much too dry, stiff and just not saturted enough in the mids and upper mids for metal.

The herbert seems like the better amp to, although it sounds a bit more processed. I feel like i can get pretty similar tones with the herbert as vh4 and maybe a bit more. The vh4 is a bit more organic though.
Ok so i have borrowed that same vh4 i used on Nocturnal as well as a herbert for the current record that jason is producing and im engineering.

Both have brand new tubes and the cab is a mesa recto oversize with v30s

I gotta say again the vh4 is just no good at all for metal... some cool rock tones but overall just much too dry, stiff and just not saturted enough in the mids and upper mids for metal.

The herbert seems like the better amp to, although it sounds a bit more processed. I feel like i can get pretty similar tones with the herbert as vh4 and maybe a bit more. The vh4 is a bit more organic though.

I just tried one today with the same setup as you, and i was disappointed with the amp, especially wtih that price tag so high. i couldn't get a decent clean tone even with the gain at zero, it was till breaking up, even with passive pickups.

I played an Ubershcall a few weeks ago and it blows the Deizel away IMO.