Dimefest IV is here! Possibility to mix various songs for the upcoming dvd!!

Nice mix rodolfo!!! Finally today I had no chance to gather with the dimefest promoters to choose the songs, again, please those who have send songs thru PM, please post them here too, as we will check only the mixes in the main topic. Thanks again
Well guys, time´s up! And the winners of the Dimiefest IV contest are:
Jaymz Fucking Hostile
No more beers Goddamned electric
Fredoreo Five minutes alone

Congratulation to the winners! I´ll allow you with two more days to polish your mixes, if you need to do some edits. In general I´d need some more ambience and more bass. Jaymz please, in the ambience track copy the second chorus in the first one "Fucking hostile"
Once you´ve finished please make sure your highest peak is -6 db.

Those who mixed strenght beyond, please post here the links, cause I deleted the PM folder to make some space.
Thanks to everyone!