Dimmu Borgir cover

cobhc said:
Plus I also had some mastering shit on when I sent the backing to you Mike, so I need to send the proper one for mixing it all.

lol, i always forget that as well! :lol:

Cool stuff guys, would love to hear it with vocals!
Ok...I'm in the middle of finishing this song up, and I get to the Metallica-ish riff that's all fucked up, and if anyone has ever tried to learn this song, they know which one I'm talking about. It took me 30 re-god damn-diculous minutes to get it down, and then another 10-15 to record it 4 times cleanly. I am so fucking proud of myself for getting it down I'm posting a clip of it. Here..

Man that tone is so fucking oldschool. I'd say i'm more impressed by this clip than anyother JSX clip you've posted so far. I'd very much appreciate info on the settings man. It definately sounds like a good tone for covering old thrash, which i've been planing on donig a few songs of after the Pantera one for the forum. \m/

No problem, next time I'm in front of the head I'll jot the settings down. The tone is made up of the Crunch and Ultra channels, two tracks of both. The Crunch has got a Keeley TS-9 in front of it, but the tone is mostly the Ultra channel. The Crunch is used for tightness in the tone, and to add more thickness to it. I didn't want to do the over-the-top distortion like Dimmu actually had on the song, but I didn't want some uber tight modern tone either, I went for a middle ground.

On a side note I got called in today to do a ton of editing so I didn't get a chance to finish the cover. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning. :)

Also, for Neb, here's the settings:

Treble: 7
Mid: 2
Bass: 7
Volume: 10
Gain: 5.5

Treble: 10
Mid: 1.5
Bass: 6
Volume: 10
Gain: 4

Resonance: 5.5
Presence: 7
Master: 3

-TS-9- (into Crunch channel only)
Drive: 9 o'clock
Tone: 10/11 o'clock
Level: 1:30 o'clock

EMG-81 Bridge in an all mahogany guitar. :)

Haha, no-wonder it sounds old school- Scpooed to the shit house!
With those settings, did you have to really work to find a mic placement that wasn't shrill or fizzy?
One more Q, was there much post EQ going on in those clips then, specifically any high shelving?

Cheers for the sharing, I wana learn as much about the JSX as I can, even when i'm not playing it. Definatelly getting some good results with it on my own, and each new attempt seems to get better.

:rock: HAHAH nice!

I did a cover of this aswell! But my synths sucked balls.

If anyway wants to make a backing track for Kings of the Carnival Creation with all the synths I will post a cover of it with My ENGL Powerball.
I need to find batteries for my digicam...

Mic placement was extremely easy. The only post-EQ I used was a slight cut in the midrange because even with the MID knob on those channels so low (as you commented about :lol:) the sound is still very midrangy. As with the 5150, these amps just have a significant midrange, which is not a bad thing at all. I'm sure with the XSr™ it's moreso dominant because of the EL34's, but even still, the Peavey sound just has that quality. It's a good thing because you can just EQ it out in post, as I did. That's seriously all I did to the tracks. It's a -2/-3dB cut around 780-800Hz with a Q of 0.5...The recorded sound, like the 5150, is just...damn near perfect as is, the main thing with it and the 5150 has always been mic placement...which isn't hard at all.

If you're having trouble getting a sound you like from your setup, I would recommend you review the other gear you are using. Granted, I'm using a Focusrite RED preamp into an 828mkII, but even still using my M-Audio MobilePre it didn't sound *too* different (even though Jeff would disagree :p). I'll post a pic of the mic placement I'm using very soon..just need to find 4 AA's and I'll be in business.


Mr Garrison Snr says good job :lol:
Cool. Thanks man.
I'm still very much getting my mic placement right. In participating in the Pantera cover (which I will complete when I stop going out to metal gigs and sleeping the day away) I tried about 3 or 4 different mic placements and found what I liked in that respect. I think that I'm dialing the JSX a bit dull compared to you, and possibly using a bit too many lows. One thing that might be holding me back is my guitar, which is a PS2 Jackson with shitty pickups, though I think I can get better tones even with it.
I guess my main thing holding me back from getting things as "simple" as you, in terms of the post processing, is that i'm still getting my head around how things sound in the room vs how they sound through the recording chain.

Thanks again for the info. Like I said before, i'm trying to get as much experiance with the amp as possible, even when i'm not playing it.

Cool man. Just keep in mind that the sound in the room is just as crucial as as anything else. You have to remember that the mic is picking up that room as well. Also, about how you are setting the amp itself (EQ section), I usually tell guitarists they may hate the way the amp sounds at the moment, but wait until they hear it over drums and bass, etc. Drums make a huge impact on how guitars sound in the end, and the same is true for bass. For instance, I don't have that many lows on my XSr™ because you really don't need them in the first place, but also because I have a bass guitar on the Dimmu backing to deal with. The bass is there for a reason! A lot of guys are aware of this fact, however they still don't utilize it, and it takes a while for the knowledge to really set in.

I'm not saying you're one of them, but rather just a general observation. Also, it's better to cut things in post than to have to add something. Like the mids that I cut in post. The amp, even when nearly completely scooped, has a generous amount of midrange to shell out, rather than scoop it all the way, I got a tone that sounded good live with the drums (as in the drums blasting through the speakers and the amp right next to me) and then I recorded it, noticed the mids were a bit much, and did a -2dB cut. Keep in mind that the XSr™ has an active EQ section, and if you've ever used/owned a Recto you'd know how finnicky active EQ sections on amplifiers can be.


Sidenote: Still looking for those freakin' batteries.
Yeah, for sure man. I think that i seem to ba afraid of adding too many highs, so that i dont get a shrill tone when i record it, but im starting to experiment with it, especially since im always having to add like 6dB of it in post.
RE: the lowend, I seem to be "lacking" it live but once tracked multiple times and with a bass/ ghetto bass, i can see that its not a problem when recording.
Your settings have definately made me go back and revisit my high/ presence settings in order to get some more diffinition in my tone. Cheers.
man, love the guitars...

but the bass adds a funny/odd feel to the groove. at least I think it's the bass line.

nice overall though.
Yes, there's something funky in the low end. Sounds like an octaver or too much sub harmonic generator (rbass right?).
poidaobi said:
:rock: HAHAH nice!

I did a cover of this aswell! But my synths sucked balls.

If anyway wants to make a backing track for Kings of the Carnival Creation with all the synths I will post a cover of it with My ENGL Powerball.

I will give this a shot!