Dimmu Borgor - New Silenoz interview.


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Jared Gardner recently interviewed DIMMU BORGIR guitarist Silenoz. Here are the highlights:

Death Cult Armageddon was released approximately eight months ago in September of last year. How have the fans been on tour? Have you seen a lot of new faces coming to shows since DCA was released?

"Yeah, there are loads of new fans of course. After every new release there seems to be more and more. But it's all good since most of the fans that have supported us since the beginning are still there as well. A good mix of young and old blood I'd say. We're lucky that way."

What's happening with Dimmu Borgir between now and the first Ozzfest show in July?

"We'll be doing a couple of festival shows in Europe first, before the first show on Ozzfest, so that's good. We have to get used to those freekin' tall stages again... I hate that. I get dizzy very easily. Other than that we're just rehearshing to get the set tight. We'll be doing Off-fest shows as well with LACUNA COIL I believe. We only get 30 minutes on Ozzfest, so it's cool to headline a few in between."

The new drummer Reno is reportedly working out really well. Do you think he will be the permanent replacement for Nick Barker? Or is Reno only going to fill in as a session drummer?

"He'll be considered as a session player for the time being. We have no rush in getting a new full time member at this point. But it's working out nicely with Reno so far. Of course it's a bit different. He's got a different style, so it takes more than a few shows to adapt to the songs in a live situation."

Dimmu Borgir will be performing on the main stage at Ozzfest this year. A great achievement for the band and a great opportunity to gain new fans in the USA. Dimmu is also the only black metal band on the bill thereby giving you the opportunity to expose enormous amounts of people to a new style of music. Was that your motivation for joning Ozzfest?

"Well, if you're in a band, growing up listening to SABBATH, PRIEST and SLAYER, and you get the offer to participate on mainstage Ozzfest with those bands, the answer is clearly in front of you. I personally don't need any other reasons. But of course it's also a great opportunity for us to show what we're about, to an audience that still seems to be a bit lost

in what they call 'nu-metal'. Personally I don't understand that term. Either it's metal or it's not."

Are there any bands you are looking forward to hanging out with and playing alongside on Ozzfest?

"Sure. It'll be great to meet people from the big league, I won't deny hat. But our main focus is to do a good show that people will remember and talk about."

You mentioned something a while back about a Dimmu Borgir boxset that was going to be released before DCA came out. But the band encountered some trouble and had to delay it to concentrate on the new album. Is this box set still in the works? Do you have any idea what it will include and when it

will come out?

"It's still on, but at the moment we're too busy getting the live work out of the way. So we'll see when we get the time to do it. We won't do anything half heartedly, if you know what I mean. But yes, it's still in the works."

Dimmu Borgir shot a split video with DISSECTION after the Enthrone Darkness Triumphant album and it is only available to people in Europe who have a PAL VHS system. Do you know if this will ever be re-issued on DVD? A lot of people have asked about it.

"I have no idea. That's a good question to ask Nuclear Blast."

Does anyone in Dimmu have any side projects going on right now? Or are there future plans for any such endeavours?

"Galder (guitar) eventually has to do another OLD MAN'S CHILD album, before we do our next album. I guess that's about it. There's no side projects planned at this point, but you never know. There might be something happening later on."

Why has the band decided to re-record Stormblast? Some people say Stormblast is fine the way it is. Is the band not satisfied with the way the recording turned out in the first place?

"First of all, to get things straight. We don't want to re-record that album. But we are kind of forced to because of contract issues. We refuse to continue to get ripped off with that album, that's the case. We will not do a renewal or anything of the album. We will keep it as close to the original as possible. But I agree, the album is fine as it is."

Where do you see the band in ten years? Still together?

"Best question so far. Surely I hope so!"

Thanks Jared!

I am really looking foward to seeing Dimmu at Ozzfest. It is a shame they are only getting 30 minutes. They go on right before Slayer too. I hope Slayer gets atleast an hour. The kiddies are not gonna know what hit them.
Erik said:

Poor little Faggy Burger get no royalties for "Stormblåst" anymore so they decide to re-record it and release it on Jewclear Blast? WELL BOO FUCKING HOO I'm sure you're "forced to" do that, I mean how the fuck else would you put food on the table? Kill Dimmu Borgir.
Heheh, post of the day.
If it's true what this guy says about not receiving royalties for Stormblast, than he has a point. It's a good album, and anyone who writes an album and doesn't receive royalties is being screwed. Much like what happened with Demilich.
Erik said:

Poor little Faggy Burger get no royalties for "Stormblåst" anymore so they decide to re-record it and release it on Jewclear Blast? WELL BOO FUCKING HOO I'm sure you're "forced to" do that, I mean how the fuck else would you put food on the table? Kill Dimmu Borgir.

HAHAHA! Jewclear Blast! Good one Erik.
Well, look at it positively. All the mallcore kiddies who like Dimmu Borgir's current style are going to buy the Stormblast remake and shit their pants.
polarity said:
Well, look at it positively. All the mallcore kiddies who like Dimmu Borgir's current style are going to buy the Stormblast remake and shit their pants.
They are not gonna shit they're pants. Its not like that album is unbelievably dark or anything. More likley they'll just think its "st00pid and ghay".
I agree, thats what is pissing me off. Im going to OzzFest to see Slayer, Sabbath (my favorite band of all time) and Dimmu... I'm seeing these kids going around saying how Dimmu is their favorite band, the own only DCA- I know more than five people that said, "I hate their old stuff, its so stupid." Luckily, I don't think the tour is going to get more fools listening to black metal. The way I see it, when they look up Dimmu on Yahoo, they're going to see stuff about Mayhem, Dissection, Emperor etc, and when they check the bands out, they're gonna say "Holy crap this sucks". One person actually said to me "The first album is terrible... why did they have to sing in GERMAN"

That comment added a new dimension of hate for mankind to my universe.

See, and I'm not trying to keep the "kvlt, fuck mainstream" attitude alive, I just really don't want to see these 50 IQ fools watching Hatebreed on MTV with a fucking Darkthrone shirt on and a Disturbed wallet in their pocket. I just fear that the new wave of BM fans really aren't going to get the music. I want to keep Black Metal what it was/is, and thats going to hell already.
dude..hell fucking yes!..keeping black metal the way it once was is the key to the scene of black metal!..there are still very tr00 and kvlt bands that do stay to the true path of black metal..but all these bands adding different elements and calling themselves black metal ruin everything..they ruin the meaning..because their meaning is an image...the meaning of true black metal is in the heart and blood..i recently read an interview of Jonthos of Ragnarok..and it just reminds me that black metal still has a chance in staying alive...well them and darkthrone :p haha..oh and of course my future one man band called Funeral Eclipse :)
But of course it's also a great opportunity for us to show what we're about, to an audience that still seems to be a bit lost in what they call 'nu-metal'. Personally I don't understand that term. Either it's metal or it's not
Hey FE, if you want to keep idiocy out of black metal, kindly refrain from making yourself look like a complete and utter fuckhead and stop using the words "tr00" and "kvlt." It's not funny.

hahahahaha..yea it is pretty stupid..but i did make a valid point ;)
i'm guessing you guys dont like to have any fun here?..fucking faggots

grow up and stop taking things so seriously
Edgecrusher said:
Really they don't. You should have seen the responses I got when I poked fun of European black-metal names

I recall most were along the lines of:
"That's not funny. You suck."

Maybe because it wasn't, and you do?