Dio or Ozzy era Sabbath?

Which do you like more, Ozzy or Dio era Sabbath?

  • Ozzy era

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • Dio era

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters

Triumphant Apostle

Disciple Of The Watch
Dec 8, 2001
St.Paul, MN
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Dio happens to be my favorite singer of all time, so that's where I stand on this, I'm curious to see what some of you guys think. By the way, I love Ozzy era Sabbath but I think the three studio albums Dio did with them are absolute masterpieces.
I'm with you Triumphant Apostle. Dio Sabbath RULES!! I much prefer Ronnie's vocals to Ozzy's and also much prefer the music from Heaven and Hell, Mob Rules and Dehumanizer to any Ozzy Sabbath record. My gripe about Live Evil is that Dio sang too many Ozzy songs. It was the same on the Dehumanizer tour. Dio should not have been singing War Pigs, Iron Man and Paranoid, just BLACK SABBATH!!!!!
I prefer Ozzy to Dio, but my favorite Sabbath record was done with Ian Gillan. He has enough versatility in his voice that he can do both Ozzy and Dio songs better than either (his version of Heaven and Hell is MONSTEROUS!!! )
It's obvious to everyone that Dio was and is a better singer than Ozzy, and that both of the Dio-era Sabbath albums are of very high quality. However it's the Ozzy-era stuff that is considered classic and with good reason, as it has influnced just about every single metal band in existence. Also, we refer to the early Sabbath albums as the Ozzy-era but that is misleading as he had minimal input into the music or lyrics, not so with Dio who was a very active collaboartor.
Welcome to blacksabbath.co.uk.

This website is the home of 'HOW BLACK WAS OUR SABBATH' An unauthorized view from the crew: Author's, David Tangye and Graham Wright,
- a forthcoming publication from Panmacmillan/Sidgwick & Jackson books, ISBN 0283073683.
This is the definitive Black Sabbath story, covering the Ozzy Osbourne years. From the bands inception in 1968 through to the demise of the
'Prince of Darkness' at the end of the 1970's. This is the story of Black Sabbath as told by the people who were closest to the band during
these years, the full-time roadcrew.
A true rollercoaster of history, covering the 'Godfathers' of heavy metal in there heyday. Black Sabbath were the catalyst that spawned what
is now known as the 'Metal Scene'.

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