Dio tour...


Apr 14, 2001
Metal's elder statesman Ronnie James Dio spoke to BW&BK recently with respect to Evil Or Divine: Live In New York City, the CD version of the '02 DVD of the same name, recorded at The Roseland in New York City (for more on the situation, see BW&BK #87).

Same lay of the land as the DVD? "I think the only change is that there are some omissions," explains Ronnie, "for time consideration. I think the drum solo got axed, and I think they took a lot of the repartee out. So you get song, song, song, rather than me waffling on. I think those are the only omissions. None of the songs have been taken out, I don't think (ed. actually 'Lord Of The Last Day' has been cut). I'm really not sure. I hate to plead such ignorance on this one but it wasn't my project."

"We never really had a problem with having to go in and do that," says Ronnie with respect to polishing up live tracks so they'd be fit for metal consumption (see HALFORD). "Because the band has always been so good; not only good players, but we've always been so well-rehearsed with a real high ethic, so it didn't matter if it was being recorded or not. You got the same show all the time, which is one of the reasons why when we did the DVD, we only filmed it once. I mean, most bands film five or six shows and intersperse it with this or that because it makes life easier for them. But I've never had a problem. Right from the very first live album I ever did, which was RAINBOW On Stage, which was also... we went into the studio, Martin Birch and I, and we mixed it. Ritchie came in once, in the ten days we were mixing it, and said 'How's it going?' 'Good.' 'OK, bye.' And he left. So obviously, we had done the right thing when we played it. So that's always been my ethic. 'Why should we think about going out and doing this thing? We know it's going to be a DVD. Aah, that's OK, we can go back and do it in the studio.' Well, that's not reality. That's not what people come to see. They come to see it done right the first time. You should be able to capture that, and that's what we did."

"There will be another record, but we won't be finished touring yet until probably October, maybe November. We've got a month to do in Russia, festivals this year, the European tour to do, UK, Japan, Australia, South Korea. So we've got a lot of places we have to go. If I stopped moving, I'd probably perish (laughs). So yes, that's going to preclude writing another album right away, of course. I guess it helps that this live CD is out, which will give us a little bit of a breather. But hopefully the next album will be Magica II and III; I'm still shooting for that."

:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
We did a lot of research into it at the time to try and snag the support and found exactly what Brian did there - no one had a clue it was even in the works, let alone anything solid. If I remember rightly even the contact I talked to in the US had no idea either (although that's pretty usual - keeping your cards close to your chest is a given in this industry).

I would LOVE to see Dio tour but I'm not holding my breath....
I saw him here in Sydney on the Sacred Heart tour> Excellent!

He's also toured here with Rainbow and Sabbath. So I wouldnt say its out of the question that a tour again happens.
Did he tour here with scared heart cause I was living in Broken Hill at the time and the Adelaide shows were cancelled only (6 hrs from the hill) I just though the whole tour was panned .........Gee that would have been great... I have a bootleg of Sabbaths Heaven and Hell tour......alas probably the closest I will get to hearing them on Aussie soil one lines in hope ..................
The tour did go ahead and it was very good. Craig Goldie on guitar. Black Widow supported from memory.

I think I have the Sydney Sabbath with Dio bootleg too.
Blitzkrieg said:
Yes I was very disappointed when he didn't tour last time. I will see him one day before he hangs up his elf shoes though.

Would a friday, saturday or sunday do? ;)
Bucko said:
Hey whats budgie like .............

Like a cross between sabbath and rush. You would love em actually.

Get these albums, 'never turn your back on a friend' and 'in for the kill'. They were waaaaaay ahead of their time. Also, they are welsh.
I only know their song "Breadfan" because Metallica covered it.

I also know that Red Hot Chili Peppers completely ripped off that songs main riff for their "Around the World" song. For such a unique riff it's almost identical.
KoichCPA said:
Like a cross between sabbath and rush. You would love em actually.

Get these albums, 'never turn your back on a friend' and 'in for the kill'. They were waaaaaay ahead of their time. Also, they are welsh.

:worship: :worship: Righto oh will do skipper