Dirty Dozen


Out of sheer, well boredom, I came out with my dirty dozen. Answer them if you feel like it. Or do like me. Wait & enjoy the replies.....

1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time?

2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought?

3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night?

4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories?

5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart?

6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant?

7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why?

8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre?

9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?!

10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?!

11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?!

12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?!

I enjoy your replies I'm sure.
1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time? Metallica, age 13.

2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought? Metallica-...And Justice For All

3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night? Dio/Scorpions/Deep Purple, Augest 2, 2002.
4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories? Fire up any song from Van Halen's "1984" and memories from my vacation in Hawaii a couple years ago come following after.
5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart? I bought that album over there and it never left my side. Walking up and down the beach as the sun goes down(or sometimes up) looking at all those hot women, getting hit on, enjoying and taking in the scenery. For me, "1984" and Honolulu, Hawaii go hand in hand.

6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant? Besides my first concert...i must say i hold Helloween/Jag Panzer in high regard, because not only was it a kick ass show, but i also met Michael Weikath of Helloween, but also all of Jag Panzer. Me and my friends talked with them for at least an hour. That ruled.

7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why? Black, mostly because of the ideologies. It's so rediculous and insipid and laughable, it's hard for me to take the music seriously.

8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre? Dokken. Their 80's stuff was among the best that scene had to offer, easily.

9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?! Only the fact that one was spandex and the other is denim. :p I own a pair or two of those tight jeans, by the way.:D

10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?! I wore my Horor Show shirt to an Iced Earth Concert, my Mindcrime shirt to a Queensryche show, my 2112 shirt to a Rush show, and my Screaming For Vengeance shirt to Ozzfest last week. I don't give a shit whether it's cool or not, i wear the shirt because i feel it's appropriate.

11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?! Balls To The Wall. Great song.

12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?! DRL, for sure. He's an asshole well beyond his usefulness, he has no reason to have an ego as big as he's got, his voice sucks now and he annoys the living hell outta me now!!! I don't care if his era with Van Halen happens to be superior, i can't stand him now!
1. Metallica, age 11

2. The first one that I ever bought was probably a Jeff Foxworthy cd, but my first Metal one was Ride The Lightning.

3. Powerman 5000/System of A Down/Kid Rock/Korn/Metallica - Summer Sanitarium tour 2000. Just turned 17 the day before. July 15th

4. Any song off Master of Puppets. That was the first real metal album that I heard. My buddy brought it over and we rocked out all day long.

5. First taste of real metal is the greatest time of the year ever. Summer Vacation from school. Funny thing now though. Out side of school the best time of the year is November-December.

6. I've seen so many shows but one that stands out is probably Opeth in 2004. It was the first show I saw with my girl friend as a couple. Sure we saw Opeth the year before, but it was just as good friends, this time was as Boy friend and girl friend.

7. Death and Black Metal. There are some good musician's in these genres, the music just doesn't sound good to me. Sounds too simple and boring at times.

8. I have no clue. I don't listen to too many bands from that genre except maybe Motley and Def Lep

9. Jeans are tuff. Spandex is not, unless you're drumming on stage. Thats the only time it's acceptable due to the movement the drummer needs.

10. Oh hell yeah. Ride The Lightning shirt to Metallica's 2000 tour. Dark Genesis tour to Iced Earth 2004. Does wearing the band shirt after you buy it count?

11. Balls To The Wall, unless it's my balls across her nose.

12. Ronnie James Dio would just destroy them all with his awesome vocals and metal horns. The guy is 64 years old and can sing better than any one half is age, hell any one 1/4 his age.
1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time?

Iwas about 10 years I think and got into Kiss...

2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought?

First was a casette of AC/DC(Highway to Hell) and first record VH (Woman and children first)

3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night?

A local band that was pretty good, but I even can't remember their name... :erk:

4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories?

Queensryche - Queen of the Reich.

5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart?

I'm a pretty nostalgic guy and that song put's me right back in the 80's.

6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant?

Metal Church, it was VERY intense and I had a ball there....

7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why?

Nu metal. There were some bands I saw on TV that sounded great first time, like Korn, but if you go listen to albums it's all the same shit.

8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre?

Twisted Sister :D

9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?!

Over here I almost saw no spandex pants worn, only by performing artists. Tight denim on the other hand I blame for my small weinie (not) :D

10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?!

Yeah, don't see a problem with that. If you like a band you can show...

11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?!


12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?!

Coverdale...made the less interesting music to me and seems boring to be on an island with...
1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time?

In case Hard Rock does also count, it was Pat Benatar´s "Live From Earth" in spring 1984. Otherwise it was Lita Ford´s "Dancin´On The Edge" in June 1984. I was 16 at that time.

2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought?

I´m not really sure, but I think the first record I ever bought was a (vinyl) single of Abba´s "Money, Money, Money" somewhere in the 70ies. As for the first metal record I ever bought, see my answer to question no.1.

3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night?

Metallica and supporting act Metal Church in January 1987. (None of them sounded degenerate to my ears.:D )

4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories?

Not a specific song, but Lita Ford´s album "Dancin´ On The Edge". If it´s got to be a specific song, then I think it has to be Metallica´s "Fight Fire With Fire".

5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart?

"Dancin´ On The Edge" was my first "real" metal album and I listened to it on a nearly daily basis in summer 1984.
When I first heard "Fight Fire With Fire" on the "Monday Rock Show" on BFBS (somewhere in fall 1984), it was like a revelation to me! (And I think it´s quite a big step from "Dancin´On The Edge" to "Ride The Lightning".)

6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant?

Maybe Metallica & Metal Church in January 1987, since it was my first show, or Megadeth with supporting acts Testament, Flotsam & Jetsam and Sanctuary in May 1988, simply because it was an excellent line-up (at least at that time).
If it doesn´t have to be metal, I´d definitely say the "Voggesanger fra ondskapens akse"-concert I attended last November in Oslo, because on the evening before the concert I met two of the vocalists (two sisters from Iran) in the lobby of their hotel and talked to them for about two hours (mostly about music) and the concert itself was also very special.

7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why?

Black metal, because I dislike everything about this genre. Death metal, because I can´t stand the suffocation-like vocals of most of the vocalists, the often-cited exception to the rule in this case being Death resp. Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P.) - "Leprosy" was the first death metal album I ever bought and I still like it. Glam metal, because it simply bores me. Gothic metal bands with male "beasts", because their growling vocals spoil the songs for me.

8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre?

I never cared about this genre, so I´m not qualified to answer this question.

9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?!

Don´t know, I´ve never worn spandex. (Is "denium" the chemical element denim pants are made of?:D )

10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?!

I don´t remember, at least not as far as metal concerts are concerned. Well, I don´t think there´s anything wrong with it.

11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?!


12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?!

David Lee Roth, I never liked him.
1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time?

Ac/Dc I was Fucking Young probably around 5 or 6 .... Granted I dint at the time have a Fuckin clue what Metal Was I just new that Big Balls and Hells Bells were damn cool!

2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought?

Ac/Dc - The Razors Edge

3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night?

Attica/Cronic Disorder/OVERKILL! 04/95 Killer Show!!!!!!!!!!

4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories?

Hahhahaha their is a song for every Memory I could never single out just one

5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart?
see #4

6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant?
When I saw Satyricon and Morbid Angel ... its when I realised that Black/Death WAS REALLY GOOD ... Not all some of it is not that good

7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why?

Nu-Metal trite and New Metallica

8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre?

L.A.Guns! they had an Incredible and Original Sound

9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?!
I dont know I'm to Skinny to wear such things

10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?!

Yep the Second Time I saw Overkill I wore the Shirt I got at my First show ever ... I Met the Band that day so they totally got to see me being one of those guys ... I actually dont think its cool tho I try to wear a shirt that will be completely different than anybody elses there ...Exp. I wore My Morbid Angel Shirt to Symphony X/Queensryche

11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?!

Balls to the Wall Man!

12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?!

Ozzy I am FUCKING sick to death with Ozzy enough is enough Let that Bastard Drown!
1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time? When I was 11 (1981) I heard "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath...shortly thereafter, a friend of mine's older brother let me listen to Blizzard of Oz and some Iron Maiden...that did it for me...

2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought? Ozzy - Blizzard of Oz
3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night? In 1986, Metallica supporting the "Master of Puppets" opening for Ozzy on "The Ultimate Sin Tour"...Metallica blew Ozzy off the stage...

4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories? "Powerslave" by Iron Maiden and "Master of Puppets" by Metallica always bring back great memories because both songs are on albums that came out in 1984-1986, and those were great years as far as Metal goes. I was in high school and was in a band and it was just a really awesome time to be a Metal fan...there was so much going on in Metal and like I said, it was an awesome time...

5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart? See above, and also because it was the last album Cliff Burton recorded with Metallica before he passed away...Powerslave, because that album just took the world by storm, and Powerslave is just an awesome tune...

6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant? Metallica opeing for Ozzy on The Ultimate Sin tour and Iron Maiden's World Slavery Tour. Metallica, because it was their last "opening band" tour, and they were just kicking the shit out of everywhere they went...and Iron Maiden's Powerslave tour because they were just fucking AWESOME and the stage show was great with a giant mummy Eddie coming out during the solo on Powerslave...just 2 unbelievable shows...

7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why? I don't avoid any genres as a whole - I'll listen to something and if it has some musical integrity, I'll listen to it. I do stay away from anything overtly racist or just stupid in general, but again, if the musicians are talented, I will try to see past their agenda and listen to the music. At the end of the day, I would probably say that I avoid most of the bullshit glam crap. There are a few exceptions, as the glam scene had a few very talented musicians who just happened to be is bullshit pretty-boy bands who cared more about how they looked than composing music with any substance. I'm probably not popular for saying so, but as a whole - the glam scene was more about appearance than substance. I guess being a musician, I'm biased, but that's how I see it. Sure...a lot of it is catchy and they sold a shitload of albums...very good at what they did - but let's just be honest about what their schtick was...

8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre? Motley Crue (the absolute best at what they do, without a doubt - they started it all as far as I'm concerned), Poison and Warrant (horrible bullshit band but they sold a ton of albums)...but again, I never cared much for any of the glam bands...they had their place, but as far as I'm concerned they were really just a bunch of pretty boys who didn't push the envelope musically...

9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?! At least they were jeans and they were all the same color (denim) instead of all the pretty-boy patterns and shit...but yeah...the skin tight jeans thing was kind of lame looking back at it.

10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?! I've worn old school Metallica shirts that I've had since the early 80s to more recent Metallica shows, and the same when I recently saw Iron Maiden...to show allegiance to the old school fans. Other than that, I don't usually intentionally wear a band's shirt at their show - unless it's a festival type deal and there are a shitload of bands playing - then I would, to show support for the band or bands I was there to see.

11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?! Never been an Accept fan - Wolf is a great guitarist, but their music just came off as really cheezy to me...I'm sure Bryant will assault me for those comments, but that's how I feel. I'd much rather have my balls across a chick's nose than listen to Accept.

12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?! David Coverdale without a doubt. Ronnie Dio - The guy is a legend and has done so much for metal. Ozzy - Black Sabbath in and of itself is enough reason, plus what he does for young bands with Ozzfest. And David Lee Roth, even though he is an asshole - old Van Halen fucking kicks ass...SEE YA LATER COVERDALE...you may have been fucking Tawnie Kitaen and Deep Purple kicks ass, but Whitesnake still SUCKS!!!!!
1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time?
1984....12 years of age. During that summer, I stumbled upon Quiet Riot's "Metal Health", and shortly thereafter, Def Lep's "Pyromania", Crue's "Shout" and the Scorp's "Love at First Sting". These are all questionably 'metal', but metal nonetheless. However, A few weeks later, I discovered IRON MAIDEN, and i was hooked for Life!

2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought?
Quiet Riot's 1983 classic "Metal Health" (a record I still greatly enjoy!)

3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night?
Iron Maiden's "World Slavery Tour", January 1985 at Radio City Music Hall, with Accept opening up. Needless to say, I was totally blown away!

4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories?
Oddly enough, the Crue album "Theater of Pain" (not one that has stood the test of time) and Ac/Dc's "Fly On the Wall" are both records that I loved & played constantly during the summer of '85. They have retained that summer identity as I quickly bored of them & never went back to them. Now, whenever I hear "Home Sweet Home", I'm 13 again!

5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart?
see above

6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant?
There are a few that standout. But the most significant are as follows:
- the 1985 Maiden/Accept show (see above)
- Metallica/Queensryce 1989 (easily one of the most intense shows...EVER!
- King Diamond/Sepultura. Halloween 1989. The King in all of his spooky glory!
- Maiden/DIO/Motorhead 2003. My first time ever seeing Dio, and the show that got me into Motorhead. Unforgettable.
- My Dying Bride 1997. My fav band at that time, during the peak of their creativity!

7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why?
I like almost EVERY genre of metal. I really only never got into NU metal.
Just not enough variety or creativity there, IMO. I have also long since
grown out of the glam/hair/fluff genre. I liked it for a bit in the 80s, but it just didn't stand the test of time.

8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre?
I guess I'd say Crue. They DID take total advantage of glam. Their first
two records are still total classics.

9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?!
Even back in the day, I thought that the super skin-tight jeans were an

10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?!
- ALWAYS! Until I was about 19 years old!

11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?!
Accept was a great band, so Balls to the Wall it is!! (never heard of the other)

12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?!
- Roth would die. He's contributed the LEAST of the names mentioned. Dio is a GOD, Ozzy was a God, and Coverdale was AWESOME with Deep Purple back in the day!!
:headbang: 1. Iron Maiden bring out "Run To The Hills" I was 12 at the time.
2. Discounting some chart stuff when I was very young :Either British Steel or 2112
3. Wolfsbane at Stafford Guildhall.
4. Boston: More than A Feeling. My ultimate feelgood song.
5. Happy memories of nights in the pub.
6. Judas Priest at Aston Villa. Great gig, one of my first big concerts and a rare occasion when a group of us went mob-handed.
7. Pretty much every genre of metal has at least some good stuff. lI like some Nu, some Black, some Death some Hair. I dislike anything that's too shouty-blokes though.
8. Dunno if they fit the criteria, but WASP's image obscured the fact that they had some excellent songs
9. Skintight denim looked great on women. Worrying on blokes.
10. Judas Priest T-shirt to the abovementioned gig. Just showing my allegience.
11. Balls To The Wall, fist in the air, pedal to the metal. Hell yeah :headbang:
12. Dio, Coverdale and Ozzy in the raft, tie some rope onto Dave Lee Roth and tell him there's a party on the nearest island. Then sit back and let him tow us to shore
1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time?
I was about 14 sitting in a cornfield with the guy I was seeing at the time and his walkman. I don't have a clue what or who it was it was just loud and heavy
2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought?
Look What The Cat Dragged In and Open Up and Say... Ahh both by Poison bought from a local second hand record shop on the same day
3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night?
Local covers band called Silent Bob as the first gig I attended is too embarassing to mention
4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories?
I Hate Kissing You Goodbye - Tuff
5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart?
Saw them play live and then this song was the last one played at the club after the band had finished I remember standing outside waiting for the taxi dancing with my fella 'cause they had all the doors open and we could still hear the music outside. loads of others but this one was the first to spring to mind
6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant?
Bloodstock last year because I got to meet Power Quest they were really friendly signed my gig ticket and even had my photo taken with them I was happy just to take their photos but the singer took my camera and asked another member of the crowd to take the photos real cool
7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why?
I don't really avoid any genre. If I like the music I will listen to it if not I will pass although I tend to listen to more glam/sleazy/classic rock than anything
8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre?
POISON!!! (for me anyway)
9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?!
Never actually worn any but is it possible to get "UP" in them?
10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?!
Never done it myself but each to there own
11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?!
12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?!
Ozzy fuckin' osbourne and I'd find Kelly and throw her in with him
1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time? Must have been Twisted Sister's We're Not Gonna Take It. I think I was 8 years old.

2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought? My mom bought me 'Stay Hungry' but the first one I got with my own money was Bon Jovi's 'New Jersey'

3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night? Rod Stewart in 1989 :( It was the first "big" concert in Mexico in like 15 years and my parents went and took me with them. I was falling asleep halfway through the show... A year later I saw Bon Jovi, so that kind of made up for it.

4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories? The whole Youthanasia album.

5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart? It came out during my first year of College, we played that album at every damn party we had (most of them were at my house). It just reminds me of that period of my life, we were having so much fun and didn't really care much about anyhting.

6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant? There are three:
- Iron Maiden/Dio/Motorhead in Chicago last year because it was the first show me and Jim (Iced In Flames) went to together, and not only that but Maiden played Revelations, can't beat that! :D

- Stratovarius in 2000, I went to see them without having heard a single song and they blew me away, became a huge fan of theirs since then.

- L.A. Guns in 1992, My first show traveling alone to Mexico City (7 hour bus ride). I'd meet up with my cousins there. 6th row and a killer show. Tracii Guns waved at me... well I was 15 at the time and it meant a lot ;)

7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why? I'm not very fond of black metal, I do like a few songs but in general I hate the "singing" and it has too much going on in it sometimes o_O

8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre? L.A. Guns, I still listen to them. Their last album rocked!

9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?! Not really that different, but spandex was associated with "glam" and denim was not :p

10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?! Oh yeah, if I have a shirt of the band, I'll wear it.

11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?! :confused:

12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?! I guess David Lee Roth, never cared for him much.
1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time?
Metallica and Judas Priest; I was about.....5 years old perhaps?

2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought?
Metallica - Metallica when I was about 11 years old.

3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night?
Some shitty festival with a bunch of dime-a-dozen radio rock bands.

4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories?
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song (both of them)

5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart?
Because it was part of an album my buddies and I were really into, and we played it a hell of a lot.

6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant?
The Art Of Noise 2, with Goatwhore, Amon Amarth, Vader, Kreator and Nile. Specifically for Kreator because they put on the best live set I have ever seen.

7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why?
Flower Metal (I don't even count shit like Nightwish, Rhapsody or Stratovarius as Power Metal), Gothenburg (ewwwww), modern core crap (Atreyu, As I Lay Dying, Black Dahlia Murder, etc), stupid pretentious art-fag bullshit (Into Eternity, Blowpeth, Between The Buried And Me), Prog (Dream Theater, later Fates Warning), etc.

8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre?
Dokken, because instead of sucking like all of the other Glam bands, they kicked ass and had some serious Metal riffage to back it up.

9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?!
Who knows?

10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?!
Kreator to Kreator, and that's about it.

11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?!
Balls To The Wall, even though it's not the best Accept song, it still rules.

12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?!
Sorry Mr. Coverdale, your band was never good. Then I'd have a Jack Daniels shot contest between me, Ozzy, and David Lee Roth while Dio sang a bunch of old Rainbow songs. :D
Abryl said:
- L.A. Guns in 1992, My first show traveling alone to Mexico City (7 hour bus ride). I'd meet up with my cousins there. 6th row and a killer show. Tracii Guns waved at me... well I was 15 at the time and it meant a lot ;)

8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre? L.A. Guns, I still listen to them. Their last album rocked!
:D Their last album Totally Rocked!!! Great Minds do think alike! Sometimes hahaha
Hell yeah I love L.A. Guns, the only album I didn't like was American Hardcore, sounded like a totally different band. Not only because Phil wasn't the singer - the album they did with Jizzy Pearl was damn good - but the songs were just bad... I think I heard Rage Against The Machine riffs there o_O Dunno what happened.
I was glad to hear Phil was back, Man On The Moon and Waking The Dead were great, kind of a combination between Hollywood Vampires and Vicious Circle, awesome :D