Dirty Dozen

Hey Johnny I checked that MP3 of Vintersorg, and the harsh vocals are horrible! The clean vocals are good and the music is pretty much alright, but is not something that grab me immediately.

Regarding the vocals what's the balance percentage of horrible/clean vocals?
it all depends on the song but its a bout 40%Grim Vocals/60% Clean Vocals, Like I have said 5,000,000,000 times ya gotta hear more than just one and let it sink in I will Get you some more so you can get the Full Spectrum, The "Harsh" Vocals are all part of the total package it wouldnt be the same without them Kinda like Jimi Hendrix without a Guitar it just wouldnt work
sixxswine said:
Out of sheer, well boredom, I came out with my dirty dozen. Answer them if you feel like it. Or do like me. Wait & enjoy the replies.....

1.) What was your first taste of metal? How old were you at the time?
2.) What was the first record/cassette or disc that you ever bought?
Soundtrack to TMNT for the song Can't stop rockin'-ZZtop.
3.) What was the first show/concert that you ever attended? Any degenrate acts performed on that fateful night?Pantera-at Fair park collesium 2000. some assholes lit their shirts on fire and swung them around, one flew past my face, It was hot ass hell, BASTARDS!!!!!

4.) What's a song that brings back some great summer or other memories?
Crowbar-fuel I drain from you.
5.) Why does that track hold a place in your heart?
I was with the girl I loved most, and we sat on the bed talking till 5:00 in the morning with that song on repeat.
6.) What's a show that stands out in your mind & why is it so significant?
I've only been to that one so it won't count
7.) What genre(s) of metal do you tend to avoid & why?
The Limp bizkit genre.
8.) Who was a standout act in the 80's Glam genre?
IMO it was Def leppard.
9.) What was up with those skin tight denium pants? Where they really that different than spandex?! I guess they were, I don't like tight clothes.

10.) Did you ever wear a band's t-shirt to their show?! Example, Shout at the Devil shirt to a Crue show. Do you think that's cool?!
Yes, and yes.
11.) Balls to the Wall or Balls Across the Nose? And why?!
Balls to the wall, only cause I haven't heard Balls accross the noise.
12.) If Ronnie Dio, David Coverdale, Ozzy & David Lee Roth were out in the middle of the ocean. Their plane crashed, and they were fighting for their dear(?) lives & you only had enough room for three on your rubber raft, who would have to get deep sixxed?!
Hmmm...Dio,Ozzy,n David only cuz I don't know Coverdale.
I enjoy your replies I'm sure.
well that's it, later-RJAIII-