Disappointed With The Album

Shell Shock

Aug 2, 2003
Does anybody else feel this way? I mean, if I downloaded it (like I do with many bands) - I wouldn't even come here :), but I actually bought it through CdUniverse (along with Ephel Duath) about a week ago.. And was supremely disappointed..

And it's not the material, no, not entirely.. It's the production that makes you just shake your head.. I really really like Nevermore to actually spend my money on their music - but couldn't they just produce it normally? It's frustrating to think that it could've been so much better.. My friend loves it (the cheap ass burned the CD), says the production is indeed a downfall - but not as big as I make it out to be.. I have made some weird analogies in my lifetime when it comes to music, but there's something about this album that reminds me of Metallica St. Anger.. Very fuzzy, drums get lost somewhere in the process, etc.. Just sounds like noise, pardon my simplicity..

Do I have a point? Or is that Nevermore is just not for me? I mean, I definitely liked DNB and DHDW.. And this just sounds different..
Sure the production might not be the greatest, but damn, do these songs ever seem like they were written for being played live! They're great! When they hit the stage with these songs, the shit will hit the fuckin' fan. The pure fury of this album will transfer into beautiful chaos(and is chaos not what Warrel wants live????) in their live shows. I can't fucking wait to hear these songs live!
I would have to say that although I still like DHIADW better, EOR is one of the best albums I have heard in a long time. I preferred the production on DHIADW to this one, but I am in awe of the guitar work on this one, as well as the overall heaviness, the songwriting, and just the overall feel of it. Favorite tracks so far are still "Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday", "I, Voyager" and "Who Decides?"; one of the other things that really impressed me with this album was the lyrics.
I think if Kelly Gray's name wasn't on the cd most of the bitchers and complainers wouldn't be bitchin' and complainin'. The B and C started even b4 the cd was out! I don't think it's bad at all. I think I did DHiaDW mix better, but EoR ranks with most of their rest. Not the greatest, but not bad. Song wise this album rips. It's short but that's the only complaint.
metalgod77 said:
The opening riff on Seed Awakening just RULES!!!

Actually, I think all the riffs are awesome. The songwriting is exemplary on the whole album; several times in the week I have had the CD several of the songs have stuck in my head already. I do agree also that I wish the album was longer.....
Blah, blah, blah.. I can't listen to it cuz of the production. That's just stupid. I bet you still listen to Slayer and Megadeth and everything else from the 80s. The production on those albums stink (not too mention the medium of choice when they were released was casette tape). EoR aint even close to that bad.

And the album is awesome. As far as length, I think one more song would have made it perfect. I like albums right around the 45 min mark.