Disappointing Movies


the world is quiet here
Jan 10, 2003
Watching "Troy" made me come up with this idea. i mean, i hadnt expected that much, but i thought it would be at least as good as gladiator. the dialogues sucked, it was boring, there was an amazing lack of blood during the fights, the dialogues were cheesy... briseida (or however its spelled in english) had an annoying whiny neurotical woman voice which made me want to slap her, and the movie even made brad pitt look not-as-handsome-as-i-expected (facewise at least :p ). maybe he's getting old, or maybe his bad acting made him look bad.
oh and the evil doctor that made sharks intelligent from Deep Blue Sea was there, too, looking scarily anorexic

what movies have disappointed you?
I wasn't really disappointed with Troy, but I thought it was pretty average.

Of most recent memory, 'Confidence' was very disappointing.

'Lost In Translation' too. Maybe it's because I watch movies mostly for entertainment, and this movie just failed to entertain me.
i was disappointed by lost in translation too, specially since ive heard soooooo much praise for it. the most interesting thing in it was Japan. and its much more interesting for real.
Violet Baudelaire said:
i was disappointed by lost in translation too, specially since ive heard soooooo much praise for it. the most interesting thing in it was Japan. and its much more interesting for real.
i couldn't even finish watching it. i turned it off after about an hour.
Hummm "Troy", dissapointing for all of us who have read The Iliad or any other stuff about the Trojan War. :confused:
Anyway, can´t give an opinion about the movie itself cos I haven´t seen the movie, however it´s dissapointing because it change many things of the story
I really liked Lost in Translation, it was a touching platonic love story. However, it was way overhyped, it was very good, and much different from the usual hollywood tripe served in this category, but it wasnt anything incredible.
I thought "Lost in Translation" was brilliant, though I appear to be in the general public minority for that one. I do regard it as interesting, however, that a considerable amount of individuals misinterpret the film as a love story. The movie's theme isn't love, but friendship, or rather, an ephemeral friendship between two strangers mutually in the midst of disconcerting periods of their lives. It illustrates the quintessential beauty of any invaluable human relationship, the concept of learning from one another in an incognizant manner, and the impact we have on each other's lives without simultaneously recognizing it. In the story, Bob and Charlotte are complete strangers, and so they communicate to each other in a manner only strangers know how. Intitially,they delve comfortably and impulsively into arbitrary conversations obliquely brushing over their own personal lives, professing sincerity but not thoroughness. As the plot progresses, so do the depth of their conversations. There's something about the film that enchanted me. It isn't a boisterous comedy or even a pervasively humorous one, but it creates a sweet, melancholic ambience not unlike moments in our own lives, and it immerses you in the plot in such a fashion, by painting a pragmatic account of an unpredictable encounter between two interesting, fictitious characters. Needless to say, I loved "Lost in Translation."
28 Days Later - it was a good movie, but everyone had been raving about it and I expected it to be in the league of Seven and such.

It was ok, but I was still dissappointed.

Donnie Darko was another that was OK. Not as special as everyone was saying.

But the most dissappointing movie I can think of recently - The Ring.

*YAWN* ....... *YAWN* ...... zzzzzzzzzzzz.
King Arthur. The Saxons were the best part ('cept for the guy who looked like the bassist from System of a Down). Since when do Celtic barbarians in 470 AD have trebuchets ad greeek fire???
snow_like_ash said:
King Arthur. The Saxons were the best part ('cept for the guy who looked like the bassist from System of a Down). Since when do Celtic barbarians in 470 AD have trebuchets ad greeek fire???

Haha since when does the general of the Saxon army have a twangy Texas accent
Well I had very high hopes for Troy and it failed.
It is good on it is own rights but as a movie about a war were the Iliad is the best source then it sucked.
28 days later also sucked. I thought it was suppose to be a zombie movie and not a "outbreak" movie.
The Ring. The Secret Window. Butterfly Effect. All coulda been cool but sucked ass. I didn't think Troy wast that bad...but it wasn't the Illiad, it was Lord of the Rings Lite.
I was supremely disappointed by Spiderman 2, which is the worst movie I've seen in a long time. The horrible script stains the overall quality of the film beyond repair.
Kill Bill vol 1

The Matrix

28 days

battle royale(jap thriller, ingriguing idea, shitty execution)

august underground(supposedly some special underground gore movie, lots of sadistic cruelty, but somehow, excruciatingly boring all the same)

the blair witch project

artificial intelligence(this one nearly made my pull my hair out)

a clockwork orange(meh...)

day of the dead(finally, the series becomes self-parody)

saving private ryan(silly and unrealistic)

casino(stock characters go through the motions for what seems like 72 hours, pesci somehow amuses anyway, but meh)

scream(i've watched only the first two, but i'm sure the third blows chunks, too)

all of the halloween flicks after the first

friday the 13th, all of them

maniac, the one from the 80s with the lead who looks like ron jeremy and inexplicably manages to woo a beatiful girl despite having the personality of a dead possum(one great scene in the bathroom, the rest is poorly constructed and often absurd)

perhaps, more to come tomorrow.
Demiurge said:
artificial intelligence(this one nearly made my pull my hair out)

Bahahaha, I was laughing for about 2 hours straight watching that film. One of my friends shouted out 'is this a game?' in the middle of the 'sad' bit at the end, and everyone in the cinema was disgusted but we were laughing too much to care.

The Day After Tomorrow is a shite film from recent times, although I pretty much expected it to be. I'd also like to name Signs.
misfit said:
Donnie Darko was another that was OK. Not as special as everyone was saying.
This does get a lot of hype these days. I dunno, it definitly hit a nerve for me, and it was very relevant to me 2 years ago, but today I find it boring.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Bahahaha, I was laughing for about 2 hours straight watching that film. One of my friends shouted out 'is this a game?' in the middle of the 'sad' bit at the end, and everyone in the cinema was disgusted but we were laughing too much to care.

The Day After Tomorrow is a shite film from recent times, although I pretty much expected it to be. I'd also like to name Signs.

awwww that movie made me cry :cry: