Discussing leaks

Talking about stealing a bands music on their own forum is kind of like a slap in the face to the band.

If you neighbor stole something from your house, and then the next day was talking about the stolen goods while at your house, that would suck right?

edit: samsara owned me on the analogies.
I understand what you're saying but I don't think it's quite as bad as shiting on someone's dining room table, at least people are so interested in the music that they can't wait to hear it.
If we are a big fan of theirs, even though theres a leak, the fans will still buy their albums. Me included.
yes, shitting on someone's dinner table would now only be in spite of samsara's post. ya know what, i think i'm gonna search youtube for the leak, and then fucking shit on my grandma's dinner table. i'll post pictures!!!!
In my position, I understand why would Mike get angry at leaks, why samsara has to do what he does.
But when the album, singles, whatever leaks, it's very hard to not listen to them.
I don't like it, since when I actually get the album, I skip the songs i've already listened, and I don't like when roadrunner sells at $1 a song (what is the difference of illegal download the song and paying 1 dollar??), or gives the song for free.
But Opeth is my favourite band, and I can't help it, I want to listen to the songs I've been waiting for so long.
I'm not trying to say that it's ok to download the album, or whatever, I know it's "bad".
In my position, I understand why would Mike get angry at leaks, why samsara has to do what he does.
But when the album, singles, whatever leaks, it's very hard to not listen to them.
I don't like it, since when I actually get the album, I skip the songs i've already listened, and I don't like when roadrunner sells at $1 a song (what is the difference of illegal download the song and paying 1 dollar??), or gives the song for free.
But Opeth is my favourite band, and I can't help it, I want to listen to the songs I've been waiting for so long.
I'm not trying to say that it's ok to download the album, or whatever, I know it's "bad".

theres no one here saying you can't download it, just don't talk about it here.

tbh i think this thread should be stickied.. it probably wouldn't help much but it might stop a few people from creating threads about it. :erk:
I understand what you're saying but I don't think it's quite as bad as shiting on someone's dining room table, at least people are so interested in the music that they can't wait to hear it.

Yeah but people at the dinner were so interested in the food they just couldn't wait to digest and shit it.
Quite frankly, for a real fan, I think one should NOT get a leaked version. Sure, I've listened to the official releases of The Lotus Eater and Porcelain heart, but they have been released for listening. It quite frankly pisses me off to see someone sporting something like this in a forum:

It's not out yet, guys. I know they finished recording it and all, but if Opeth really wanted it to be out on the net now, I am sure they would SELL IT ALREADY.

I personally think a warning should be issued to the people who openly show they are listening to the illegal music.
Just because it's available doesn't mean you should take it. Be a real fan!

(sorry if I stirr up some shit here, btw)
What matters in the end is whether you buy the record when it comes, and thus support the band (Ordered the biggest pack from the end :Saint:). However spreading links to DL illegal unreleased music on a bands official forum is beyond respectless.
^It is disrespectful to talk about it and post the album on the official band forum and sam is right, the whole internet is available to discuss it. From gathering info from around the place it seems they wanted an earlier release but it wasn't possible. Piracy is a big issue and it can't be talked about properly without going into great detail. But I don't think it's not being a real fan to dl the album. I found Opeth by getting the mp3s off a friend back years ago. I wouldn't have found them or hardly any other bands if I didn't use the internet to get music. After hearing them and gradually becoming a bigger and bigger fan, I have been to every show in my town, own all the albums on cd and vinyl, all the special editions/digi packs/dvds/huge amounts of merch, basically everything you can own. I even planned my trip to sydney around Opeth to see them again. So I have spent a lot of money towards them. I also bought the single of PH. But as a massive fan waiting and the temptation of listening to my favorite bands album is too much. I already have paid for Watershed on cd and vinyl before it leaked. It sucks, majorly that people dl music and don't pay for it and even sell it for their own profit! Unfortunately there are not enough people who are prepared to pay for music as digital seems to be the new "medium", which is why piracy is such a problem.

But this happens to every band nowadays. I have about 85gb of music but I own over 400 cds and hundreds of vinyls. The music I have that I don't own yet I haven't listened to it yet. If music is good enough I am very prepared to pay for it. And Opeth are the only band I own all their albums on both cd and vinyl. I will be first to admit its fucken wrong and doggy as, but the wait kills me. I know this is mainly one side of the coin, but I am on the side that does pay for music. Bands get so much exposure and can go from a garage band to massive in no time at all. One of the sacrifices of this is that music is pretty much free for the taking. Sorry to discuss the leak here, I tried to steer away from it as much as possible and still make my point. I don't consider myself any less of a fan for having dl their stuff, but I guarantee Opeth wouldn't be where they are if dl weren't so. Mike admits this. Most artists do. It fucken sucks I know, people just need to be prepared to put money back into the artist if they enjoy the music. I gave up listening to the radio like a decade ago, because I wasn't hearing anything I like anywhere near as much my childhood bands like floyd, beatles, zeppelin, orbison, rush etc.

I started a quest to find music that I loved and could be as good. Before I started dl I didn't think any current music was anywhere near as good. But there are some amazing bands like Opeth that I never would have heard had I not dl. In conclusion I guess your not much of a fan if you dl and don't pay for Opeths music as its very very worth paying for given how good it is. But there are a lot of fans who are impatient like me haha and need the fix asap, but still buy there albums with glee when they arrive. I owned like 50 cds 10 years ago and now I own shitloads because of dl and discovering the wealth of great music there is. Again I know this is one side of the coin, but it's my two cents I guess.