Dissection surprised


Oct 20, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Sometime ago I heard someone told they sound a bit like Opeth. Today I bought two albums of theirs, The Somberlain and Storm of the Light's Bane. Wow, this must be one of the best bands I've heard a long time, excluding Opeth and Dark Tranquillity of course ;). But wait a minute. Similarities to Opeth are, well, not very common. Here and there are some sections that sound like Opeth, especially in Storm of the Light's Bane. But mostly I find it different to Opeth. Or is here something I'm completely ignoring? However, I must say I didn't expect these to be this good. Even though I still miss the Opeth sound I was looking for :(. Opinions opinions... tell me! ;)
I'm a big Dissection fan (as evident by my description), but I think the comparison to Opeth is quite a bit off. Dissection has much more "standard" song structures, even more so than the newer Opeth albums. Plus, Dissection's music is really centered around speed/trem picking where as Opeth is a lot more chord driven.

There are times when they sound similar to me, but mostly because of the production. Orchid, Morningrise, The Somberlain, and Storm...have that dry loud tube amp sound and sort of raspy dry growls.

But this is just my opinion...
Of course Dissection is great. If think they are even better than Opeth. Dissection was one of my first favorite death/black metal favorites when I discovered them back in 1994.

But there aren´t that many similarities to Opeth. Maybe the use of acoustic guitars and the influences from folk music and heavy metal (and now I´m talking about Orchid and Morningrise).
Dissection was the very first BM band I ever saw live and I have to tell you that they were simply brilliant, great stage presence and brilliant performance of brilliant songs. They're the reason I listen to black metal, they manage to have great melody whilst still being extremely heavy and still sounding 'black.'

Aside from both being produced by Dan the man Swano, I can hardly think of any similarities with Opeth, at least not genuine musical ones. At least a bit of dodgy advice turned out to be for the best eh! I would also recommend Opthalamia who have something in common with Dissection's 'family tree' and don't seem to get mentioned much anywhere.
Dissection is the greatest black metal band ever. They are one of the very few blackmetal bands I listen to on a regular basis. I don't see any similarities though to Opeth.....
I don't really see where a much of a comparison can be made between Dissection and Opeth. Dissection, being a black metal band, doesn't have too much to do with any band of any other musical subgenre. Black metal distances itself from almost everything, being a very idealistic genre of music and a subculture in itself.
I love this band, although i always found their music unnecessarily rushed... it sounds like the songs have been sped up to make it sound better

another great band unlike dissection are mithotyn
I love Dissection (but in no way condone Jon's actions). I also thought that De Infernali track with Swano singing was cool...Anyway, Jon is writing new material and was allowed to bring an 8-track into prison. Damn this puts me in a Dissection mood...
yeah i heard about the permission
to get the 8 track into jail. that
is grand news, coz i think we
all hope to hear more
material from this
classic band.
veil the sky: ahhh have you seen them live!!! Your lucky !!!!:)
I love Dissection they simply rule...the greatest black metal band in the world
yeah and also check out Cardinal Sin the guitar player from the Somberlain album plays in that band...they have only released a demo but it´s just so fucking great!!!!!!
ahhh have you seen them live!!! Your lucky !!!!

Yes, it's a day I will never forget. I was totally obsessed for ages afterwards. It was in the days when you could get on stage at the LA2. I was just getting on the stage and I actually nearly knocked Jon clean over when I went for a stage dive, apparently he only laughed thank God or I could be dead!

Dissection live is an enduring image which will stay with me for all my days. Like I said before, that gig is the reason I love BM. I am forever in their debt.
Dissection lead singer got 8 years for helping the murderer.
His sentence got shortened some times ago, he will be out in 2003.

A live album is coming out in janury 2002 on Nuclear Blast, he also have recording material in his jail.
Great news Zemb, or at least for me it was _news_. I've heard they are going to gather again after he's been released and make new stuff. I hope it's true.