Distortion pedals


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
Hey there shredders...does anyone have a distortion pedal that they really love? I've tried so, so many and I'm not nuts about any of them...the Zoom Tri-Metal or Hyper Lead are excellent pedals but have been discontinued...the MXR Dimebag and Doubleshot are ok, but noisy as all hell...and the Warp Factor is good as well, but very limited tonally. Any suggestions?
Yeah, I'm not sold on tube...Higher maintenance...good tubes are expensive. I'll admit the new Orange amps have an awesome distortion, but they're priced out of this world...there's no reason to pay that much for a decent tone...Marshall, Boogie all those amps are ridiculous...Same with guitars...why buy a Gibson when you can get a high end LTD or Schecter or Dean for less than half the price, with better features and superior workmanship.
all i can say is you get what you pay for.after years and years of searching for tone, and all the money spent on this pedal and that amp....you could add all that time and cash spent on useless crap, on a decent amp and avoid the never ending quest.and im sorry,but comparing an ltd to a gibson?maybe you should just stick with the peavy bandit with the heavy metal pedal and rock out.
Its all a matter of taste... I have heard a Metal zone pedal through a Valvestate marshall and it kicked ass. but the same metal zone through a Boggie sounds like shit.

I have a Ibanez distortion charger,


it was made in the 80s and I can get close to a Seasons in the Abyss type sound with my solid state Crate half stack, But again, through any tube amp it loses something.
tenantwo said:
all i can say is you get what you pay for.after years and years of searching for tone, and all the money spent on this pedal and that amp....you could add all that time and cash spent on useless crap, on a decent amp and avoid the never ending quest.and im sorry,but comparing an ltd to a gibson?maybe you should just stick with the peavy bandit with the heavy metal pedal and rock out.

Dude...I've been playing for over 20 years and am quite an accomplished guitarist...no point in trying to be insulting. You're so wrong about that...you're willing to pay for a name...have you seen the shit finishing on modern Gibsons...poor inlay work, gaps and glueing issues...it's all in the wood, the pick ups and the wiring...I see nothing wrong with paying half the price for a set neck, Grover tuners, mahogany and maple and Seymour Duncans(which are better than Gibson stock pick ups anyway)

Maybe you should just pay out.
maybe i was a bit insulting and im sorry for that.i to am an accomplished guitarist.i have been endorsed by esp and gibson.and if you really like the ltd thats great.....but there is no comparison for me.the esp' were cool because they were free...and thats about it.its all about the player i guess.i still play a couple of my esp'.... as well as my strat and les paul.its all about the right tone for the right tune.when i tour i use esp(cause if they break no biggie).when i record i use the gibson/strat.
tenantwo said:
maybe i was a bit insulting and im sorry for that.i to am an accomplished guitarist.i have been endorsed by esp and gibson.and if you really like the ltd thats great.....but there is no comparison for me.the esp' were cool because they were free...and thats about it.its all about the player i guess.i still play a couple of my esp'.... as well as my strat and les paul.its all about the right tone for the right tune.when i tour i use esp(cause if they break no biggie).when i record i use the gibson/strat.
Who do you play for?
tenantwo said:
maybe i was a bit insulting and im sorry for that.i to am an accomplished guitarist.i have been endorsed by esp and gibson.and if you really like the ltd thats great.....but there is no comparison for me.the esp' were cool because they were free...and thats about it.its all about the player i guess.i still play a couple of my esp'.... as well as my strat and les paul.its all about the right tone for the right tune.when i tour i use esp(cause if they break no biggie).when i record i use the gibson/strat.

I see what you're saying, but for those of us who aren't as privleged and don't get free equipment, bang for the buck is essential. The quality of the Korean assembled guitars is amazing...all the wood and components are from the good old USA....it's just the assembly done overseas...then they're shipped back and QC'd and fine tuned again in the states. I've been surprisingly impressed with many Korean instruments I've played. I just realized I've been playing closer to 30 years(must be age denial) and I've owned everything...Gibsons, Fenders, whatever...I presently play a customized Jackson Professional, a 1981 stock Dean V and a 1987 G&L SC-3...all amazing guitars in their own right...all American made, but I would not hesitate to purchase a Korean assembled instrument.

Good equipment is important, but tone is in the touch...it's how you play, not what you play. Gibson, Fender, Marshall, Boogie...whatever...I've heard plenty of shit players using all of these brands...playing and sounding equally bad.

Oh yeah...many of our forests as well as Canadian forests are owned by our Far East Friends anyway. Their wood is our wood...same shit.
wow so many different opinions here....ok for myself (a not so good guitar player but still like to grind away every other day) i cant afford much (baby food is really expensive) but i play an old epiphone with seymour duncans pick ups and it sounds awsome through almost any amps but the minute you hit pedals it starts to sound like shit. My problem with pedals is that they bring in a lot of ground noise, especialy when manufactured with poor shielding inside (which is the case of most pedals these days) so yeah i'd rather pay for a good amp and have no pedals than a shity one with monstar effect. unless its for studio work and you wana go crazy and create a sound that no one else can recreate
CoverUinOil said:
wow so many different opinions here....ok for myself (a not so good guitar player but still like to grind away every other day) i cant afford much (baby food is really expensive) but i play an old epiphone with seymour duncans pick ups and it sounds awsome through almost any amps but the minute you hit pedals it starts to sound like shit. My problem with pedals is that they bring in a lot of ground noise, especialy when manufactured with poor shielding inside (which is the case of most pedals these days) so yeah i'd rather pay for a good amp and have no pedals than a shity one with monstar effect. unless its for studio work and you wana go crazy and create a sound that no one else can recreate

I'm really not a big pedal fan. I only have an Ibanez stereo chorus. I can't stand the excess noise, but you can add a noise gate to clean that up. I like a very basic amp, but sometimes the right distortion pedal can allow you a little more tonal variety...or you can gently overdrive your amps distortion to really make it squeal. It's all a matter of opinion. I've heard good things about the Fulltone OCD, but those "botique" pedals can be pricey for us regular folk without endorsements. :notworthy
well at the end of the day, what really matters is the sound that YOU like, the one that makes you feel 10ft tall when you're jamin like crazy. Personaly, my guitar isnt in the greatest shape, its 12years old, it was my first guitar and i never was able to afford a new one so i play with i have and its not so bad but i know that if i were to go on a tour i would definitly sell everything i have a for a nicer piece (an ESP bcs of the price and a nice gibson bcs i want one) and i would add a Soldano head (they're great in the studio bcs they have a DI output)
Hi, I just purchased a Dominator Guitar Pedals “Hellfire” Distortion. I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is the best distortion pedal on the planet. I love rock,hard rock, classic metal, modern metal and can attest that this pedal does it all. The problem is that they are limited runs as they are hand made, but well worth every penny. Below are some links to this beast of a pedal.




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