Divine Wings of Tragedy Choir Partitures


New Metal Member
Jul 11, 2006
Hey guys!

I've searched a lot for those choir partitures from the begginning of this song and I've found nothing...anybody could help me with that? I've heard that there's some sort of an online database called CPLD (or something) where we can find all sorts of choir partitures from american artists. Does anybody know something about that? I've searched for this too but....guess what!
Yes, that begginning! The first 1'40" of the song.

OK, so can you help me? Where can I find this material?
Besides, you would earn the recognition, prestige, the authorship (of the transcription only, of course) and respect for such a hard work! I can´t offer too much. Actually, I don´t know what I could offer you...help, maybe. I could help you with the whole work.
I could probablly do it if I had the starting notes otherwise you would need perfect pitch to help you out.

Everyone with perfect pitch I hate you! lol
I wrote a choral piece last year I need to add some SX lyrics or something make it cool like DWoT. I should just take quotes directly out of the works of cool authors like Lovecraft or Poe.

Has anyone ever composed a choral piece before? I never have put words to any of my songs but I would love to, I just don't know how good I would be at it.

Thats why this semester in my composition class I will be working with the schools Choir Director which should be awesome.
I would assume its in the key of F minor first step to me would be find the bass line then the melody and you could pretty much figure out the inner voices for the most part.
Another cool one to figure out would be the backing vocals in the chorus of Evolution. I wish I had an ear for that kind of stuff.
Wow, good luck with this Luis. This would be cool to sing in my chorus class.. heh.