Do I have any legal recourse if I didn't get a deal in writing?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Doomcifer and anyone into law, I'm looking in your direction.

That amp I so stupidly bought my ex-guitarist, well I finally told him "pay up or give up" and he's refusing. I have the receipt in my name, and an email written after the fact that explicitely states (by him and myself) that yes, I bought it for him not as a gift, but under the agreement that he would pay me back.

Do I have any legal ground to stand on?

Yeah the most I would do would be small claims court, it's not worth the time or money for a lawyer.

Either way, he's now agreed to give me a few hundred clams this weekend as a start. It fucking took like 3 days of getting called an asshole just for that, jesus fucking christ.
I'm like, anti-violence and stuff. I know, a big pussy. But it's the way I work. :)
How much is this amp worth? If its just a mere couple hundred, then just write it off as a "fuck you, see you in hell" tax.

If more than $500 take it to court.
Yeah I wouldn't care if a couple of hundo but it was $1,400. WHOOPS I ARE STOOPID.
NADatar said:
Yeah I wouldn't care if a couple of hundo but it was $1,400. WHOOPS I ARE STOOPID.
you paid $1,400 for something you could have gotten for less than $500 so
the way I see it you got screwed just from the fact that you are letting someone else touch it, let alone someone else using it instead of you using it youself exclusively