Do more of those "moments" come from music, family, friends, or other?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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I think it's a safe assumption that most people who regularly post here are REALLY into music, and all it has to offer.

That being said, music plays an important parts in our lives. I've seen plenty of threads about moments and music. So, in the grand scheme of things, where do you think most of those "moments" to remember in your life have come from?

It is absolutely my family that provides the most moments (first my wife & kids, then from my childhood with my parents), then comes music. Friends, work, everyday life - those are not even in the running. Those moments are way too far and few between.
Doesn't the music remind us of such moments? I think is does that as well as let us imagine moments we never experienced, it depends on the music.
And music is so strongly linked with memories that we, or at least I, sometimes even listen to music I would never listen to if it wouldn't remind me of some special moment or time.
Moments? well the only moments i had i have send with my beloved Maria, When we just locked our eyes togheter smiling i could just tell her that i love her with just my eyes...those are the only moments i had in my entire life. Others are either not positive or not as burned away in my memory...
Hmmm.... After the sudden conscience-shift three months ago or so, apart from music, I have started experiencing "these" moments while being present in certain places - even the most familiar ones, which I had never even noticed before - some parts of the city, the parks, the houses, whatever. I can't explain this rationally, but apparently visual experiences are becoming as powerful for me, as the musical ones. I want to know, does anyone here have this special, anonymous feeling when *seeing* something - to the extent where you want to visit that place as often as you can, just to feel it again ?

D Mullholand
I'd just like to say that without music I would be nowhere.

Originally posted by Misanthrope
Moments? well the only moments i had i have send with my beloved Maria, When we just locked our eyes togheter smiling i could just tell her that i love her with just my eyes...those are the only moments i had in my entire life. Others are either not positive or not as burned away in my memory...

I envy you man. Love is a beautiful thing. Those are the moments that make my stomach tingle.:s(In that heart aching way it does) Unfortunitly, my love is never to be...sad sad :cry:

I totally agree that there are moments accompanied with music. Like when I used to go out with this girl I was into this music that would get me thinking of her. When we broke up, to this day every time I hear this music it reminds me of her.
It's so weird! :loco:
I don't have a lot of moments right now.. those that I do remember are generally with family or a few close friends, ex-girlfriends.

Music does provide a lot of emotion, and when listening intently to music, a certain portion/riff/solo could spark some random emotion in me, and will do so at any subsequent listening. I don't really equate music with my life anymore, since it seems to invalidate what the artist put into the piece. I use it to fuel emotion and incite deep thought.

I love music, but I think I love it a little too left-brained.. maybe I'll change, maybe someone will change me. It's hard to say. But I do know that many more "moments" lie ahead. They could appear at any time, with anyone, and could stay for any amount of time in my mind. Some seemingly banal moments can turn into meaningful memories.

It's this uncertainty of life and the mind that keeps me going day to day.
music is really the only thing in my life right now and everything else either sucked or isn't worth remembering. i've never experienced what its like to be loved, so music is the thing that keeps me going. i get lost in music, whether playing it or listening to it. hours pass away with ease as i play music. i also write alot and listening to music usually inspires me.