Do opposites attract?

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the one and only...
Jan 9, 2008
At the party...
Do they?

I feel so. In my experiences, it always seem to me that the best can be brought out of us from our opposites. An introverted person could best express themselves with someone who was pretty extroverted. I'm a bit introverted and I had always found an attraction with any girl who was very extroverted and free spirited whereas I was pretty reserved/introverted. The whole energy coming from this one girl made me happy and open up as well. I was expressing myself better with this extrovert than lets say an introverted girl. Its kinda like a negative and a positive attract both if you have 2 negatives, it won't. I think that most couples should be this way and I always had this idea it would be best for the couple this way in the sense the opposites would bring asssets to a relationship that would offset your flaws, and your assets would offset their flaws; making for a well balanced relationship.

You feel me?
I think they can but I don't think they always do. I'm not attracted to the people who are my opposite, and they aren't attracted to me.
I think this is more new age pseudo psychology than 'philosophy'. I could be convinced otherwise if someone feels very strongly about it I guess...
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