WAIF is right, this test is silly. It's fun, but the binary nature of it makes the value really limited. If someone is showing 80/20 ratios in each category, then it might be making a statement, but a 65/35 or closer to even is basically insignificant. The fact that this test gives different results depending on day or mood is telling. Not to mention that people generally are not great at self-reporting, and the results are aspirational or dishonest in some other sense. Some self-assessments are not accurate despite a person's best effort.
I see results that say that INFJ is the rarest type (I test INFJ or INFP), but I see more people claiming this type online than many others. Maybe that type is more drawn to online tests, or maybe more people aspire to it, or maybe it's sort of bullshit overall outside the obvious. Who needs to be told that they are introverted or extroverted anyway?