Personality Types (MBTI/Jung)

The mind is more malleable than the types. Everyone uses all of the functions, but some more than others. But they can still change which functions they use and when.

I've gotten so many types I don't trust it.
Introverted (I) 71% Extroverted (E) 29%
Intuitive (N) 70% Sensing (S) 30%
Thinking (T) 85% Feeling (F) 15%
Perceiving (P) 89% Judging (J) 11%

Your type is: INTP

Introverted (I) 89.66% Extroverted (E) 10.34%
Intuitive (N) 51.35% Sensing (S) 48.65%
Thinking (T) 72.41% Feeling (F) 27.59%
Judging (J) 65.52% Perceiving (P) 34.48%


Introverted (I) 84% Extroverted (E) 16%
Intuitive (N) 51% Sensing (S) 49%
Thinking (T) 88% Feeling (F) 12%
Judging (J) 63% Perceiving (P) 37%

Yep, haven't changed much. I forgot how close N and S were for me; funny how I've never received ISTJ before, although I have had INTP pop up.
Introverted (I) 62% Extroverted (E) 38%
Intuitive (N) 73% Sensing (S) 27%
Feeling (F) 65% Thinking (T) 35%
Perceiving (P) 52% Judging (J) 48%

Your type is: INFP

INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.

Sounds about right. I feel first and think later.
WAIF is right, this test is silly. It's fun, but the binary nature of it makes the value really limited. If someone is showing 80/20 ratios in each category, then it might be making a statement, but a 65/35 or closer to even is basically insignificant. The fact that this test gives different results depending on day or mood is telling. Not to mention that people generally are not great at self-reporting, and the results are aspirational or dishonest in some other sense. Some self-assessments are not accurate despite a person's best effort.

I see results that say that INFJ is the rarest type (I test INFJ or INFP), but I see more people claiming this type online than many others. Maybe that type is more drawn to online tests, or maybe more people aspire to it, or maybe it's sort of bullshit overall outside the obvious. Who needs to be told that they are introverted or extroverted anyway?
I don't think I'm much of an INTJ these days. I'm kinda drunk so I'm not sure if I should even bother taking the test. That, and I'm too busy blasting Trouble to give a fuck, but I'm probably an INFP or something these days.
WAIF is right, this test is silly. It's fun, but the binary nature of it makes the value really limited. If someone is showing 80/20 ratios in each category, then it might be making a statement, but a 65/35 or closer to even is basically insignificant. The fact that this test gives different results depending on day or mood is telling. Not to mention that people generally are not great at self-reporting, and the results are aspirational or dishonest in some other sense. Some self-assessments are not accurate despite a person's best effort.

I see results that say that INFJ is the rarest type (I test INFJ or INFP), but I see more people claiming this type online than many others. Maybe that type is more drawn to online tests, or maybe more people aspire to it, or maybe it's sort of bullshit overall outside the obvious. Who needs to be told that they are introverted or extroverted anyway?

I think even the introversion part is fishy. Introversion and extroversion vary by culture. Half of my family is Hispanic and I don't even know if the concepts exist in their culture because they're ridiculously social compared to Americans. Like to the point where if you're around a bunch of people and don't really talk, it's weird, or even rude. Whereas here you can have two people barely speaking and looking at their phones half the time and it's socially acceptable.

And going on introverted communities like /r/introvert and /r/intj, I get the sense that a big chunk of self-proclaimed introversion is just having more hobbies and interests than most people (and less time spent socializing) or having a distaste for cultural politeness rituals.

Now there's that term "ambivert" floating around for people that enjoy alone time and socializing. Which is everyone, though the amounts of each vary. I still don't think it constitutes describing your personality with four letters.
The mind is more malleable than the types.

The only time I ever believed that was at the height of my weed-fueled delusions. Tested as an INTP once, and began to think drugs could be used to "reprogram" people's personalities.

I did discover an interesting blog post during that time, though - it speculates on whether personality disorders can be detected by ambiguous "X" scores on the MBTI:

It could be total nonsense, but I'm tempted to agree that introverted thinkers are especially prone to mental illness.

And going on introverted communities like /r/introvert and /r/intj, I get the sense that a big chunk of self-proclaimed introversion is just having more hobbies and interests than most people (and less time spent socializing) or having a distaste for cultural politeness rituals.

I doubt that most introverts genuinely prefer hobbies and individual pursuits over social interaction. I think we're constrained to those activities by our avoidance of uncomfortable situations. "Distaste for cultural politeness rituals" is a rationalization we use to sweep our anxiety under the rug rather than confront it.
Jung Test Results

Extroverted (E) 54% Introverted (I) 46%
Intuitive (N) 58% Sensing (S) 42%
Thinking (T) 81% Feeling (F) 19%
Perceiving (P) 58% Judging (J) 42%

Your type is: ENTP

ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.

okay then... :zzz: