Do wall hangers destroy the arm of a guitar/bass?


Aug 28, 2006

I want to put my guitar and bass on hangers like this. Does it screw the instrument in any way?

I´ve seen a lot of instruments on musical store walls hanged only by the hook with no contact with the wall or ground/shelf (like the picture). As I´m going to install the hangers inside my closet, I can let the instrument hanged only by the hook or support the bottom of the instrument on the shelf. Does it make any difference?

No, your instrument will not be harmed in any way by putting it on a wall hanger.

People will try to argue that the weight of the body pulling down on the neck and only being supported from one point is going to have adverse affects, but the tension of the strings is much higher than the weight of the body, and your guitar seems to handle that fine.
The only thing that will be harmed might be your wall if its quite thin. I live in a recently built house which dosent have walls as beefy as those that are If i hung a guitar on my wall would prolly come away :erk: Not good! haha:lol:

Your guitar(s) will be fine!
not from the weight, but be careful not to hang it on an outside-wall (might not be a problem in brazil though), cause especially in the winter the wall (even in a well insulated house) can get pretty cold. and the temperature-changes are harmful.
other than that there's no problem to expect.

BTW, that must be the gayest looking paula I've ever seen ;)
The only thing ive heard/ sortof experienced is the hanger staining unfinished necks. But thats only if it sits there for a million years, so dont worry.