Do you all buy Opeth cd's?

i have all of the albums up to deliverance. used to be my favorite band when i first discovered them.. not so much anymore
who's your fave band now?
hypocrisy / pain / black label society

centinex? That bands comes from my town And it´s not a big town i might ad

:o i assume you've seen them live? i'm quite jealous :o their latest cds haven't really been my cup of tea, but i really love their older stuff
Do you like Hypocrisy.... now? What about their old stuff?
i like everything they've done, even catch 22. they've been one of my top bands since 98, when i first heard of em :)
dorian gray said:
The thing I still don't understand is that downloading music from the internet is STEALING. Why does everyone just shrug their shoulders at this?

Yes downloading is illegal, but people are going to do it until they get caught. It's like speeding. Is it legal to go 80mph in a 55mph zone? No, but people are going to do it until they get caught.

Just because you have an album in mp3 format, doesn't mean you stole it. I actually have an mp3/cd player in my truck so I take all my cds and rip them onto my computer in mp3 format for my truck. That way I can have every Opeth album on just one disc. That's right, every album. I don't remember how many that is.

If it wasn't for downloading, then I would never be into Opeth. I saw a poster one day and thought it looked cool, so I d/led a few songs. About a month later I bought some albums. I wish I would've done that with Six Feet Under, because I would've saved some money and not bought any of thier albums.

I have a butt load of albums on my pc, but that's because I bought all of them. I also have tons of live shows on mp3 format. With out that, I would be missing on sooo much live music.
I own all the Opeth CDs. I have Orchid, Morningrise, and MAYH with the Bonus Tracks, and have Still Life Digipack, although I've never seen it non-digi. I've downloaded 5 Opeth songs in my life: Credence, April Ethereal, Demon of the Fall, Requiem, and Benighted. I did own the CDs already but got bored so donwloaded some for ease of use on my computer.

I got some cheap CDs in HMV too, In Their Darkened Shrines - Nile for £8.99 and a 2CD death metal Relapse sampler thing for a fiver. I much prefer having the CD itself, just feels better, and any copies I do own I am in the process of buying the originals. It's got to the point where I think I'm addicted to CDs, if I ever walk into a CD shop I come out with several CDs, but hey it's worth it!
most all of the time if i'm downloading something its:

1. legal or
2. i already own it, i just fucked up the cd :( and need a replacement for 1 song or a few tracks that got ruined without buying a new disc. if i really love a band though i'll just keep buying it. more money for them :lol:
3. just checking bands out without driving to the store since i don't own a damn car.
hell half the time you can DL full sample tracks legally anyhow off the band/lable's homepage (although flash sites like Averse Sefira's are a bitch about it sometimes...any sudgestions to that are welcome)
i find those to be great, and i'm glad when they do it. things like on Amazon where you can hear clips of each song don't work for me. the music i like isn't evaluated on 30 seconds... its more complex than that.

imagine going on there and never having heard of Opeth. you click on Drapery Falls and hear the 30 second clip of the clean section near the middle. but thats not an accurate picture of the whole song. i'd rather hear a sample of one whole song than clips of everything.
Exactly. Take Anorexia Nervosa, they have sample songs from each of their albums on their homepage, having just got Redemption Proscess after hearing Codex-Veritas on a sample CD of course I'm curious to the rest of their albums. They do appear to kick ass:D
ss--it would be cool to hear longer clips on music sites. i really don't like to buy what i've never heard. but i do it anyway and then sell it later on ebay or something. i download old stuff a lot. but never a whole album--if i want that, i buy it. used, discounted, it's affordable, but i think it's fair to take a full sample now and then...
(i bought every opeth cd and didn't download anything, but that's 'cause i love them... got lamentations and BWP totally blind. never heard them, just went for it 'cause a guy at my church likes them)